ꕥ "ONE ; ꒱

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"y/n, do you want to come with me to visit my friend?" the voice called from your bedroom door frame snapping your attention to it.

"you don't have to. it's just that mom suggested it." he continued shrugging his shoulders slightly towards his comment.

"would i not be a hassle? i mean, they are your friend, not mine," you said quietly beginning to face the older male who stood at your door. did the two ladies that were now known to be your parents want you to get out of the house? or was it that they wanted you to know more about your brother? both were possibilities but it was also quite possible that it could be both instead of one or the other.

"no, you wouldn't be any hassle." his response was firm whilst he shook his head at your input. it was like he knew better than you did, despite barely knowing you as a person. from your perspective, it came off as 'cool' but maybe that was because you were still only ten. and he was eleven. he could do anything and you could call it 'cool'.

"if you say so." the response was mumbled as you shuffled off of the bed leaving the teddy bear you had been fidgeting with. running up to the other ready to go with him to meet the mysterious friend of his.

kakucho was asked by your moms to hold your hand when going out to avoid getting separated from each other. so that was the current situation for the pair of you.

"i don't know what izana will think of you but you shouldn't worry about it much since i doubt he'll care too much." kakucho said quietly looking at you with a small smile. it was probably the first you saw on him and it ended up shocking you a good bit.

"um, if it's not personal or anything. could you tell me what makes you friends?" you asked the other returning the smile as if it was a contagious illness.

"put simply, i more or less owe my life to him. and that's why when we build our paradise i'll always be there for him. no matter what," he responded facing back to the direction you were both walking in to avoid bumping into other people and such reasons.

it was a vague answer he gave. you decided not to push the subject any further not wanting to make him uncomfortable or put him on the spot.

that was the right choice seeing as you arrived at the destination you were dragged to. it was an unfamiliar park that you didn't know. the place was deserted apart from the white-haired male that sat swinging on the old swing set sticking out like a sore thumb in the location.

being pulled along over you soon enough found yourself in the presence of the unknown friend that kakucho described. you couldn't get a proper look at him seeing as you were standing behind kakucho. but you did tilt your head out from behind him once or twice almost as intuition.

"who's that kakucho?" izana said referring to you.

"she's my adopted sister, our adoptive parents suggested i take her along with me. sorry if it's an issue," he responded.

"it's alright." izana nodded quickly understanding the situation accepting it in a matter of seconds.

"what's her name?" he continued. he was not done with the topic despite accepting your presence among them.

"y/n." kakucho's response was simple. he let go of your hand at that moment and stepped to the side letting izana properly see you and vice versa.

you could feel the male looking you up and down once if not for even a full second. more just to put a face to the name he'd just heard coming from the other's mouth.

"it's nice to meet you y/n-chan. i hope you and kakucho will get along." his tone seemed to lighten holding out a hand for you to shake. along with giving you an honorific which came off as unexpected. it all seemed so different from the assertive personality he just had. it was almost as if he did a full three-sixty with his personality within a minute.

"it's nice to meet you too," you responded quietly shaking his hand. the male was pretty to look at, to say the least. he didn't look japanese and appeared to have a similar skin colour to one of your mothers. but on top of anything else, it was his hair that was the most eye-catching about him. and honestly it appeared ironic.

you spent most of the afternoon keeping to yourself by slowly swinging yourself on the swing. still not managing to find yourself all that comfortable. despite which you did participate in the boys' conversation whenever you could or was encouraged to.

your attention was turned to a cat that was over at the sidewalk and soon enough you found yourself drawn to go over and start playing with it while the boys did what they were currently doing.

the cat had a collar on it but, you couldn't make out the name on it so whenever you were speaking to it whilst petting it you'd simply call it 'cat' or 'kitty' in a babied voice.

without even realizing it you found yourself being led astray from the park by your new feline friend. maybe it wouldn't have happened so easily if you were older but then again who could blame a ten-year-old for finding comfort in playing with a cat.

"huh?.. where'd the cat go," you muttered quietly to yourself looking around the street growing confused in the sudden disappearance. had you frightened it off?

you furrowed your brows in frustration and turned back to begin heading back. there was one problem to which though.

you hadn't been particularly paying any attention to the way you came focusing it all onto the cat that had left you stranded.

the feeling sucked. you didn't know what to do. would it be best to stay put and wait it out? or try to find the way back yourself and risk getting lost even more. you bit your tongue not liking the idea of thinking so hard on something.

"hm? you good?" a voice called from behind, echoing down the street.

❝ a sister, he held dear. 🢝 tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now