School of Death

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Lyon, a young Teacher who has never teached before, couldnˋt know what this school is about. Psynjans Institute for non-teachable Students.
Doesn't sound that bad, right?
Lyon is definitely going to figure that out.

"Bela- a 18 year old Student of that school. He once said; "This school is supposed to burn in hell. I'll kill all the nasty teachers in that shitty place they call a school." His real name is unknown but since they all use fake names here in Psynjan, it doesn't really matter. His name means Destruction.

Pyry- He's one of these kind of Students who don't really say anything. The 20 year old once said; "This school is like poetry. Some students cry, some smile, just because they are here. Everyone out there understands a poetry different, everyone is different, so are the students." Fitting to the white hair and pale skin of the finnish man, is that his name means snowstorm.

Birsha- His real name is unknown. So is his age, his nationality, his interests and his voice. He just smiles weirdly and looks very strong. We dont have anything he said recorded because he doesn't talk.

Nero-The last guy Lyon has to take care of. Known is that he has killed a few people already and he likes to play with his teachers and weaker students. All exept of his 3 buddies. His face looks a little weird because he doesn't know how to express feelings. He once said; "When i'm out of here I'll help my Bro kill all the teachers, but Iˋll also try my best on the students. And you will be the first one." Nero is 19 years old and named after the God Nero, who's name means Strenght."

Thats everything the Principal told Lyon on his first day. The Audio that was played when Principal Livuhz talked about the four Students, who share a room since day one, was terrible quality. It was pretty hard to understand what the boys said but Lyon managed to unterstand it.

And now, Lyon is about to knock on the door, that says;

Devils Dorm


This is my first ever Story in english and what you are probably able to tell, there will be a lot of mistakes in here. So feel free to correct me :D

!!!This going to be teacherXstudents and a poly realationship as well. And it's boys love!!!

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