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A/N: Yo wys people! Unless you don't identify as a person, but yeah still! Welcome!

I'm back, to this story. So, let's go back to where we were at right?

Oh and if possible can you guys recommend me fanfics to read? Preferably an Izuku/ Jirou or Izuku/ Yaomomo?

Idk felt a bit curious. But yeah since you guys are the experts for this, I thank you in advance.



Izuku shot forward calling upon 50% OFA. Before most of them could move, he ran forward faster than some of the could track.


As he called her name, Kyouka Jirou jumped forth, "HEARTBEAT BLAST!" 

An array of beats in the form of waves came out, cracking the caves exterior. The entire cave system collapsed into bits.

"What the fuck?!" Kalista almost screeched. Stomping over to Jirou, who jumped a bit seemingly in fear but held her ground, not that it helped with how he loomed over her, "What was that for, girlie? How am I meant to fight somethin' if its dead?!" He shouted pointing towards the caved in caved.

(heheheheh.... I'm sorry.)

"Pssh, if that thing croaked from a cave collapsing then we wouldn't need so many people here." Izuku shrugged as he looked back forward, "also..." he momentarily looked back, although just barely enough for Kalista to see his gleaming emerald eye, "keep your hands off my friends."

Before Kalista could reply, a dry chuckle emanated out and the boulders and other things began floating up into the air, "That's so mean of you to say...my dear friend."

It was AFO.

In the body of Shigaraki. 

"Oh hey look, you hijacked Tomura's body, con-fucking-grats. Need some moisturiser?" Izuku snapped back.

Shigaraki or rather AFO only roared in laughter before lifting his hand up and doing a shoving motion towards the group of heroes, as the boulders in mixed sizes flew directly towards them in super speeds.

Izuku didn't waste a second ran forward, he could deal with the bigger boulders but he would leave them to someone else.

Neon jumped in front of him, "Shred." She said in her usual heavy accent and the chains attached to each of her fingers quite literally tore apart the bigger ones. 

Izuku knew she could do quick feats like this easily, so now that there were many more smaller but more numerous rocks, Izuku's eyes had a red outline, as a flash of red emerged from his body, in the form of a hemisphere but it soon disappeared.

The rocks kept flying towards them until, they froze in place.

"Oh?" AFO smiled.

"Say how does it feel to have eyes for once?" Izuku asked.

AFO grinned madly before replying, "fantastic! It's been a while since I've been able to see colo-"

As AFO was speaking he got cut off but a punch to his gut in extreme speeds. Saliva came out as Shigaraki's body now made an 'ough' expression and he was flung back.

Lightning crackled violently around Midoriya's body, so much heat was being exuded that it felt overwhelming just to stand next to him, "One for All: 75%"

Every other hero stared wide eyed, and Kalista even gave off a low whistle.

"Boy am I glad he's on our side." 

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