Chapter 9 A friendly visit

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Hello again it's been 4 months since Gabis birthday party. I'm currently 10 months pregnant yes I said 10 and it is not a mistake. I'm a month overdue and it's been painful. Early contraction back and stomach pains, like at this point I'm not even trying to have a pretty pregnancy.

I've been staying at Diegos since I turned 9 months as it was closer to the hospital and he didn't want to be no more then a few steps away from me which I get. I've been sleeping alot recently and I've become more hormonal. I get frustrated much more easily like I snap at Diego about 6 times a day and I cry alot like alot alot.

It is now 1pm and I have not gotten out of bed yet and I didn't plan to until my bladder decided to make me nearly piss myself so now I'm on the toilet. I've finished but I cannot be bothered to get up. You would too if you seen what I've had to carry around recently.

I buck up the courage and stand up. I need to go eat so I put on Diego's baggy plaid PJ pants and I just put on a sports bra as well. I flip my hair Into a messy bun and put my cotton sweater Cardigan on. I slip into my black socks and slowly make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon darling." Gabi gives me a smile whilst she wipes down surface and Diego's dad sat on a chair head deep in a magazine. I give Gabi a groan In response as I lay my head on the counter. Gabi giggles at me but I'm not laughing, I'm so not in the mood. She hands me a full slice of toast,a pop tart and a cup of orange juice. I eat my food and slurp down my orange juice before asking where Diego was. "Oh hes in the living room with some friends." His dad response.

Friends? What friends? he doesn't have any friends but me and I know that cause we we went to the same middle school and high school and we were stuck like glue in highschool,before we both dropped out.

I walk closer to the living room and as I did I heard a bunch of laughter. I walk in, all eyes on my moody face. I walk over to Diego and sat next to him. "Hey baby." He kisses my cheek and I just squirm and groan. I don't like being touched unless I touch you. I see him roll his eyes but Ignore it. I try to sit in a comfortable position but I couldn't. I end up laying my head on Diegos lap laying on my side. It was comfortable especially when he stroked my hair until it wasn't. And it only took a few seconds for it to become uncomfortable.

I groan and sit up crossing my legs. "Why you such a groaning mess today?" I shoot Diego a death stare before snapping at him

"Because Diego im 10 months pregnant with your fucking son who is  making my life right now a living nightmare. He won't allow me to eat anything but toast,Poptarts,cookies and mac cheese without fucking gagging or throwing up. I can barely make it 5 steps without running out of breath. I can't put my hair up without feeling sick,standing up makes me feel sick I am never comfortable. I am forced to sleep on my side every fucking night.My own hair gets me fustrated. And you babe make me angry. im 5 fucking weeks late and he won't fucking come out that's why I'm a fucking groaning mess."

I cover my face with my hands as I start crying hard. I stand up and try to walk away so I don't breakdown Infront of his so called friends but Diego grabs my shoulder stopping me. He stands behind me and places his hands on my stomach. "Let go of me Diego I'm not in the fucking mood for you." He hushes me and I feel him gently lift my stomach. I relax as most the weight I'm  carrying is lifted off.

I moan out in relaxation as I rest my head on Diegos shoulder and close my eyes. "God I love you." I tell Diego. "Mhm I thought you weren't in the mood for me-" I interrupted him snapping at him "Are you gonna fucking tell me that you love me back or not!" "I love you isa." He kisses my head. He trys to move his arms but I smack his hand causing him to lift my stomach again.

After an hour, he was no longer holding up my stomach and I was laying on my side as he stroked my hair. "So Diego when's your kids due?" One of Diego's friends asked
"Kids? You mean kid I'm only having one baby." he chuckles. "Oh shit dude your kids gonna be biiiig!" He Laughs as he stares at my stomach.

This made me hella insecure so I left and went to the kitchen tears welling in my eyes. I grab my laptop that was sitting on the counter. I slowly sit on a bar stool next to Diego's sibilings. I open up my laptop as I sniffle and wipe away my tears. Donovan looks at me as he here's my sniffle along with everyone else. "You ok Bella?"

I nod wiping another tear away "yeah, yeah just pregnancy hormones that's all." He gives me the 'are you sure?' look and I give him a smile. I continue looking for a home for me and Diego as my mind keeps spinning back to what the guy said am I really that fat? Am I actually also gaining weight ontop of being pregnant and using my pregnancy as my excuse?

I shook it off and save some houses that I liked and would consider buying.

Later that day,it was around 10 pm all Diego's younger siblings who are younger then 11 have gone to bed and I've just woken up from a nap. I woddle downstairs to see Diego's family having a movies night. There was no seats so I sat on my excersise ball and bounced up and down.

"You do realise that that induces labor." Diegos tells me. "Yeah Ik I'm ready for baby boy to be out. I'm fed up of being fat and struggling to do the basics" I complain and he nods in response. 

We were half way through the movie when gushes of water just comes out at once I gasp which causes everyone to stare at me.

"Bae you ok?" He looks down at my complete soaked pants. "What the fuck is that!?" And at that moment the pain decided to kick in all at once. I hold my lower stomach as I shout out in pain. Gabi immediately stud up and came towards me. "Hol' up did you water just break?" Diegos asks confused but also about to panic. "Yes Diego catch up and go get the bags!" Gabi demanded.

And that's when Diego officially freaked out. I was taking deep breaths as the pain intensified. "Gabi tell him to calm down he's about to freak me out. Oh god I need to tell my parents!" She cut me off "Stop stressing. AND DIEGO STOP FREAKING OUT!" She took to deep breaths and continued.

"We've practiced for this so let's all calm down Diego help me get Isabella into the car before it becomes a home birth and let's go." She demands and that's exactly what we do.

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