Chapter 31 Game Day

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Once I slowly made my way downstairs I made my way to the living room to try and find diego which I did. He was sitting with three boys and a girl I've never met. "hey baby" he said not taking his eyes of the TV since him and his guy friends were playing video games

And the girl was just on her phone. "hi I said" he pauses the game causing the guys he was playing with to complain. He pulls me towards him as he places his hands on my extra large stomach. "hi baby girl" he says softly and I smile. "I hope your OK in there I'm waiting for you princess." he says poking my stomach in the same spot he has been for the past 6 months everyday and like always she responds with a really hard and prominent kick. Which causes me to groan out a little.

"hey be nice to mommy" Diego says like always and I smile. "I love you princess" Diego whisper to my stomach before planting three small kisses on my stomach. "we can play now" he says so casually picks up his controller. I sit next to the girl and she gives me the tiniest smile before going back on my phone

"oh yeah babe these are some of my other friends from a different college near by they couldn't make it to my birthday that is sandra then we've got jake zayn and Brandon. " I smile at them as they all say hi.

"babe when do you go back to college" I ask. "college officially starts in 3 days but I'm not going back until baby girl is born and my professors know that and are happy to send me the work." he says concentrating on the game.

"OK" I say. I look towards the stairs to see my three year old climbing down them. He's getting much better at getting up and down them to the point I don't even have to supervise him.  Once hes officially downstairs he runs directly in between Diego's legs but Diego was to busy playing his game to see him coming. Resulting in him letting out a grunt.

He leans forward not even pausing the game and scooping him up with one arm. "ow daddy" Tony says rubbing his arm. Diego just let's go and continue playing the game as his son complained about his arm and he didn't do anything which kinda annoyed me.

"Diego" I say annoyed. "yeah" he answers with not even looking at me. "pause the fucking game" I tell him getting even more frustrated .he pauses it staring at me "what?" he says annoyed that he had to pause them game. "you just fucking hurt your son and your not even bothered because of a stupid fucking game pay attention and he about to fall of you lap so fix it" I say irritated.

He doesn't even respond to me as he puts his controller down and picks Tony up properly and placing him on one leg. "did I hurt you bud" he asks Tony and he nods with a pouty lip. Diego grabs his arm and kisses it. "is that better" he asks but Tony shakes his head.

Diego blows raspberries on his arm causing Tony to laugh loudly and I smile. "is that better" Diego asks with a smile and tony nods his head vigorously causing Diego to chuckle. Diego wraps an arm around Tony before picking the controller back up and resuming the game.

Gabi walks in a flashes me a smile. "hey gorgeous girl" she says and I smile "hello" I say. "I made you food its mixed fruits like strawberry pineapple raspberry kiwi watermelon just all the good stuff coated in some sugar then there is some smoothie bowl in there with some oats and some left over vanilla cheesecake." she hands it to me and it looked amazing

"omg thank you gabi" I say happily "your so welcome just thought my son would feed you before I would but I guess not" she says glaring at Diego and diego rolls his eyes. "anyways Ill leave you to it." "bye I love you." I say and I here her giggle. "I love you too."

I take my fork and start eating when I see Tony eyeing down my food. "do you want some love" I say to him before feeding him a strawberry. "I want some." Diego complains. "no you can't even look at me when you asked." he pauses the game.

"give me some" he says staring into my eyes and it makes me laugh. I feed him a strawberry. "I can't believe your stealing food from your daughter" I mock and he just sticks his tongue out. "mama more" tony says. "yeah mama more" Diego mocks which cause me to smile I give Tony some smoothie bowl and I give Diego some cheesecake.

"that's it greedy boys no more." diego turns the game back on once I said that but Tony still complained for more. I take him of Diegos lap and sit him next to me and I feed him the rest of my smoothie bowl.

"come on dude this is like your 5th time pausing the game and we haven't even finished around"  I hear one of his friends complain. "shut the fuck up I'm going toilet unless you want me to piss in your mouth." Diego says standing up.

"I wouldn't mind it." i mumble but I'm not so good at mumbling so they all heard me. "oh baby ill do more then piss in your mouth don't worry. " he says with a smirk and my face turns bright red.

He comes up to me and kisses my forehead before going to the bathroom. I continue feeding Tony.

"your names Isabella right?" I look up and see that I think zayn was talking to me. "yeah but you can call me Bella for short and your zayn right." i nod. "I think you have a really nice name." he says in a flirty way and all of his friends watch this go Down.

"um thank you I guess" I say awkwardly. "how far along are you" he asks. At this point all the other boys were holding in a laugh "um 9 months." i say feeling like I'm being lured into a trap. "are you sure you look about 24 months" all his friends start laughing except for the girl who looked a bit angry. "you sure your not pregnant with a whale." i didn't know what to say I'm feeling more insecure then ever before I'm shocked I'm upset I'm embarrassed I'm everything in the book but happy.

"I hope your not body shaming my girl especially when shes pregnant with my daughter" Diego says wiping his wet hands on a paper towel before putting it in the bin. All his friends stop laughing and instead looked scared. "listen it was just a joke"

He steps closer to them his hand curled into a fist. "that's not something you fucking joke about you dick. Look at her face does she look like she's laughing." all the guys look at me and I had tears in my eyes as I tried my best to cover my bump.

"don't ever fucking talk to my girl in disrespect way ever" he says his jaw tighten. "APOLOGISE THEN" the guys quite literally jump. "were really sorry honestly we took it to far were sorry" I nod but I don't forgive them. "good" Diego says calmly with a smile. The boys relax in there seat relaxing there muscles.

"now get the FUCK out of my house"  

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