Chapter 15 Karaoke

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Isas Pov

I went back downstairs and to my mom. "Hey baby." "Hi mama" I sit next to her with Tony. "You ok now you looked upset when you left?" I don't want to tell them I was upset so I lied.

"No I'm ok I just went to feed Tony upstairs." She nods "So when are you and Diego's getting married?" Diegos kinky cousins asks and my cheeks grow red. "I don't know?" Hopefully soon but I don't think he wants to get married. After he had sex for the first time he kinda lost the urge for marriage. He thinks there's no need for it now."

They all look at eachother. "What?" They all shake their heads. "Oh nothing its just that ever since Diego was a kid all he ever wanted to do and talked about was getting married. Strange that as soon as you guys have sex it goes away." Gabi says.

I look down. "Don't over think it though love people change when they get older." I nod. I look over to where Diego was sitting and I spot a cigarette bud. I shake my head. Im gonna let it slide. It was obviously cause he was upset with me. He was talking to my brother and his cousins and showing them something on his phone.

I go up to him with Tony in my arms. "Hey baby." He immediately turns his phone off and puts it on the table screen first. I give him a confused look. "What the hell was that about." I ask him. I go to grab his phone but he grabs my hand and holds it instead. "What are you hiding." I ask him again. "Nothing."
"Diego." I give him a look.

"Baby please, if it was anything serious that could harm our relationship and split our family up why the fuck would I be showing your brother." He wasn't wrong. "Ok,I guess your right." He gives me a smile showing off his perfectly straight pearly whites. He taps his bottom lip and I give him a peck. He opens his arms up and I give him tony. He gives tony small kisses on his head which was full of curly brown hair.

"OMG GUYS I GOT THE KARAOKE MACHINE WORKING." Most people cheered except for the boys. "Diego, Isabella your up first." I looked at his little cousin confused and then Diego. "She's right tradition that the hosts perform first." I mentally decapitate myself.

I give Tony to Gabe as me and Diego make our way to the stage. We get handed mics. We just stand in the middle of the stage and Diego puts an arm around my shoulder as we discuss what song to sing. "It's best to sing the song you wrote when we had that little breakup." He tells me "but that songs about you." I tell him. "It's fine we added to it anyways." He reminds me. And I nod

I plug my phone Into the karaoke machine and it starts playing the beat to mindfields

Isa sings faouzias part and Diego sings John legends lets pretend Isa wrote this song and this is how they sound.

Once we finished everyone was silence and we just stood on the stage awkwardly. "Right well now I don't want to go after you guys I'd sound like a dying cat compared to that." My brother's says and me and Diego laugh.

Diegos puts and arm around my waist from behind and relaxing his hand on my lower stomach as he pushes me so close and can feel his huge bulge. We walk down the stairs like that and he sits down pulling me on his lap. "I'm pretty sure she can feel you right now." Jayden one of Diego's cousin says with a smirk.

My jaw drops and my cheeks redden as everyone laughs at his remark. Diegos hands meet my waist as he bucks his hips and I go bouncing up and down on his lap. I turn around and see his billion dollar smiles which automatically makes me smile. "Don't entertain your dirty minded cousin."

He raises his eyebrows. I lean down and whisper something In his ear and he nods. "I swear to god if you guys have sex AGAIN tonight I'm honestly going to scream the house down."

I cover my face in embarassment as everybody heard and was listening to the conversation including my parents. "What do you mean again Bianca." Gabi asks. "6 days in a row mama. And the walls are thin in this house and I heard everything."

"Seriously Diego with a baby in the room." Gabi gave him a look and he looked at her shocked. "Why you only targeting me it takes two to have sex." He whined. "Cause Isabella ain't my child you are." Diego glares at me and I give him a fake sad face and then a smile and he roll his eyes. "And by the way Tony's knocked out by half 8."

"Why do all these little gatherings always end up with a conversation about mine and Diego's sex life?" I ask my face still red from embarrassment.

"Cause it's interesting." Diegos kinky cousin whos name is Sofia answers.
"It was a rhetorical question Sofia." Diego tells her squeezing his temples and shaking his head. "Would you rather talk about it now or when nana and papa are here."
Diego head shoots up. "Oh hellllllllll no we don't mention me not being virgin we also don't mention I have a son oh and to just be safe we don't mention Isabella either."

I grab my heart's dramatically and give him a shocked look. "Do you hate me and tony that much." He takes my hand away from my heart and hold it. "No baby no it's just my nana is a much worse version of Vanessa." He tells me and I gasp. "You nana touches you inappropriately and flirts with you." Diego chuckles and I see his cousins priceless faces. "No I mean with the whole family tradition thinking its always the 'slutty girls that break the tradition for the boys.' kinda thing" I give him a look that I understand.

I look around until I spot tony and Gabe's arms and I signal for him to pass him to me and he does. Both me and Diego stare at our beautiful sleeping baby boy. I look at Diego the same time he looks at me and we both smile.

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