26. The Last Week

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A few days after Delaney fired her Nicole cancelled the tour and refunded everyone, much to Nicole's dismay.


A Few Months Later.

Delaney's POV

It has been two days since filming for the movie ended.

It feels so weird not waking up at four in the morning in order to get ready and still have enough time to get to set at five in the morning.

It feels so weird not sneaking off to an empty set with Hunter whenever Gigi calls out 'cut' or 'take five'.

It feels so weird not hurriedly dancing my eyes across my script inside of my trailer whenever I forget to study them the night before.

And finally, It feels so weird not having my cellphone be constantly blown up with calls from Nicole.


I jump in my spot at the sudden noise.

As I drift out of my head my eyes widen at the sight before me.

"Shit" I whisper underneath my breath

I tuck my brunette hair behind my ear as I crouch down to pick up the shattered candle that slipped from my hands.

Hunter instantly discourages my actions.

"No, don't touch that. It's better to sweep it up," she says with a softer voice this time around

There is noticeable concern in her brown eyes.

I just sigh before placing the pieces of broken glass I retrieved back on the floor in a neat, little pile.

I reposition my body so that I am now sitting on the floor versus kneeling, bringing my knees up to my chest and leaning my back against the bottom of my couch.

My arms instinctively wrap themselves around my legs as my head leans back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

I hear Hunter confidently take a seat beside me on the floor, yet hesitantly keeps her hands in her lap.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

There is a silence between us for a few long seconds.

Eventually another sigh leaves my lips as I feel tears of distress pool in my eye sockets.

"I am just so tired..." the words barely leave my mouth

Not even a minute later tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

Hunter places one of her hands on my knee in a comforting manor.

Unfortunately this causes me to break down further.

Ultimately I end up leaning into her warmth, the raven haired girl welcoming me with open arms...literally.

"It's okay, I got you baby" she whispers into my hair.

I take a silent moment to just enjoy her touch.

It is not anything sexual.

It is not anything sensual.

It is...comfortable.

The best way I could describe it is comforting.

"I think that I waited a little too long" I vaguely whisper into her chest

I assume that she realizes what I am referring to when her breathing pauses for a short moment before ultimately starting up again.

"To fire Nicole or to go to rehab?" She asks

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