15. Sleep Deprived

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A knock on my trailer door wakes me up from my nap.

When did I fall asleep?

"They need you on set Delaney" the person says

I stand up from the couch with a loud yawn.

My legs drag my sleepy body over towards the door. I swing said door open only to come face to face with one of the multiple stage people.

Albeit my evident tiredness I give the man a smile as I shut my trailer door behind my body.

He smiles back at me before leading me towards the set that we are going to be on today.

The mini pop up tour that Nicole has had me do began about a week ago.

So far I have had four pop up concerts this week alone, meaning that I have also had four warm ups.

For the last four days I have came here at five in the morning, left around an hour or two before the concert is actually supposed to begin, hopped on a private plane, go straight to sound check once we land, go into my dressing room and get ready for said concert.

If I was lucky then I would get at least twenty minutes of sleep before the hair, makeup and wardrobe crew came into my dressing room.

After the concerts finish I change back into my regular clothes, get back on a private plane, remove my makeup while on said plane and land back in Los Angeles sometime from one in the morning to four in the morning.

Sometimes if I am lucky I will get a few minutes to a few hours of sleep on the plane depending on how far away the location is.

The day before I went on this mini pop up tour Nicole found out that I was in fact performing the break up song about Sean and that I have not written or recorded a second song.

She yelled at me for a few minutes but eventually said that I had to write the song by the time the world tour comes around.

As for the break up between Sean and I she did not seem to care much which leads me to believe that she way be planning something.

Nicole is alway plotting something.

When I got to set this morning I immediately noticed that not only were there no extras on set today but Wesley was also nowhere to be seen.

He must not be filming anything today.

I have to be honest, this information saddens me.

He is my only friend on set.

Sure, Hunter is here, but I still get the vibe that she hates me.

"Delaney!" Someone calls my name as I enter the filming studio

I glance around only to notice Gigi beckoning me over.

I make my way over to said director as quickly as I can.

"Are you doing okay?" She asks me with genuine worry

I give her a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure her with a head nod

Gigi gives me a skeptical facial expression, not entirely believing me.

"I promise to come to you if something changes"

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