First day of School

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Tanjiro POV

Faith said that today is the first day of school, she told us what and what not to do. Those who are going to work as teachers had to leave early but the rest of us have extra time which is a good thing considering the current problem. 

"Kentaro why do I have to wear this! I feel like I'm being strangled!" Inoskue is refusing to wear a shirt. "Inoskue Faith already told us why, if you show up without a shirt they won't let you in."  'Why is this a lot harder than it should be.' 

While we were trying to get Inoskue to put his shirt on Shinobu, Kanao and Aoi came in, and naturally Aoi wasn't happy about the situation "Inoskue just put the shirt on, it's not like it's gonna kill you!" 

"Agh! Fine!" 'How does Aoi get him to listen so easily? Well at least Faith is ready for today.'

Faith POV

'I'm not ready for today.' It has been months since I've seen anyone from school and I'm not that social anymore. Not to mention I have to help the others get used to school. I hope nothing bad happens today.


We're finally here, we would have got here sooner if Inoskue wasn't chasing Zenitsu around. I wonder if I'll have one of the hashira as a teacher, I can only imagine how it would go. "Faith!" I flinch at the sudden shout but recognize the voice. "Avery?" Even though it's been a while since we've seen each other she hasn't changed much. Her hair is dark brown that almost looks black and her eyes are a light shade of blue. She's wearing a white tank top with a mint green sweater and shorts. 

"Hey, how have you been, you never answer your phone." Even though we're juniors she still has a habit of pouting like a child when she's mad. "Sorry, but you know how it is at home." She sighs before she finally notices the group I arrived with. "I didn't know you had other friends besides me." 

"I can't tell whether you're trying to insult me or not. Anyway, these are new students, I was gonna take them to the office for their schedules." 

She smiles and walks with us for a short while before she runs off to see if they added anything new to the campus during construction. 'I wonder if they added anything? They probably remodeled the science classes, but what about the other buildings?' I was so lost in thought I almost walked into the door for the office. We entered and after a while, they got their schedules and lockers.

It was still early so I was able to show them around the campus. I checked the time on my phone and saw that we only had five minutes till class starts. "We should probably start looking for our classes. If you get lost there should be staff members and members of the student council walking around, you can ask one of them for help. See you later." After that, I ran off to look for my next class. The campus was a lot bigger than it looked, there was even a bridge that crossed over the street on the side onto a second part of campus.

My first period was inside one of the two-story buildings on campus, the school I go to is more of an open campus with a lot of buildings instead of one big building. I had History for my first period so this shouldn't be too bad.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I just started to get my creativity back, next chapter will be longer. Bye 

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