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Naruto and ruri walk into the dango shop seeing anko hold some guys arm while putting her foot on his back holding him to the ground. When anko saw Naruto she let him go stepping on him and weaving him over to her table. She saw ruri and had a smirk on her face.

Anko:' it looks like Naruto got himself a girl friend'

Naruto: hey anko this ruri my classmate.

Ruri: it is nice to meet you.

Anko: so your ruri Naruto told me about he talks a lot about you.

Ruri face becomes scarlet red hearing that Naruto talks about her. Naruto gets a tik mark on his forehead with ankos antics.

Naruto: no I don't, the only thing we talk about is you torturing people at the I'T department.

Ruri face then went flat hearing he actual doesn't talk about her. Seeing her face anko starts feeling bad about her little prank.

Anko: oh I'm just having a little fun with shisui little student he won't spot talking about you. I can't get any ass from him because always talks about how great a student you are.

Both ruri and Naruto was surprised ruri is because shisui talks about her and that he's dating anko. Naruto was surprised that ruri being trained by shisui the telporter and that anko was dating him.

Ruri: wait your dating shisui

Anko: yeah for about 6 months we were friends as kids. we were so focused on are career we haven't spent much time together. So one night we got together with some friends, got drunk and next morning were naked in bed.

Ruri and Naruto make disgusted faces because they think of shisui and anko as there older siblings.

Naruto: gross I don't want to hear about your sex life anko.

Anko: ah don't hate on all this.

Anko stood up feeling herself making them uncomfortable.

Anko: besides shisui loves my body and man can he shows it in bed.

Ruri: please I think I'm going to throw up.

Naruto: yeah same anko why do you have talk about your sex life. You should have a little shame.

Anko: nope no can do were ninja we kill,steal and fuck to get a mission done having shame only makes missions harder.

Ruri feels a little uncomfortable with that same with Naruto but he accepted the reality of ninja world a long time ago.

Anko: that and when you love someone you want the whole world to know.

Ruri: you love shisui

Anko: yes but don't tell I said that him I said that.

Naruto: I thought you said if you love someone you want the whole world to know.

Anko: shut up don't use my own words against me.

Ruri: hehe hehe

Ruri giggled making Naruto look at her he never seen her smile before. He liked her smile, the thought made him blush and look away but anko caught his blush. They talked for awhile till it was starting to get late so they went there separate ways. Naruto walks home admiring how nice it is tonight.

Naruto: tomorrow I'll be a ninja, it doesn't matter what other think I'll be the strongest ninja the world has ever seen. I just hope someone will challenge me so far I haven't meant any one that could.

Naruto spoke to the stars hoping that someone could rival him one day. Jiraiya told him once that he got a lot stronger because he had someone to push and challenge him. He never told me who pushed to be the strong old pervert he is today. He got home with his family waiting for him at the dinner table.

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