home sweet home

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Team yugao walks down stairs to see everyone eating, kushina hitting kakashi for reading porn in front of kids. Seeing them come down mito runs and trys to hug Naruto but he dodges making her crash into a wall.

Mito: ow, big brother are you ok

Naruto: I'm fine tomato head

Mito: hey I'm not a tomato

Kushina: Naruto don't make fun of your sister.

Naruto: whatever, what happened with zabuza and Gato.

Kakashi: well we beat them

Kenshi: thank you captain obvious I couldn't tell from the fact that your alive.

Yugao: ha well here's what happened.

(Day after Naruto and kenshi fight)

Ruri was attending to Naruto and kenshi wounds the best she could. The others went to the bridge leaving her to guard the house. Naruto cups Naruto face looking at him with worry.

Ruri: why did you have to go and fight them and leave me here, so reckless.

Ruri hears a bang outside, grabbing her sword and running down stairs. She saw two bandits grabbing Inari and tsunami.

Bandit 1: once we get the bridge builders family he'd have no choice but to stop building the bridge.

Bandit 2: yeah and Gato will pay us handsomely, especially since Gato ain't paying those ninja.

Ruri having seen enough bodyflicker behind them and knocks them out with the butt of her sword.

Ruri: are you two ok

Inari: yeah thank you

Tsunami: yeah I can never thank you enough

Ruri: it's alright, watch Naruto and kenshi for me I'm going to the bridge.

Inari: you can count on me.

Ruri nods before running off towards the bridge. Eventually she made it and she sees mito knocked out with sauske and memma being beaten by the Haku and her ice mirrors. The semseis were battling zabuza and raiga, losing ground. Sakura was infront of tazuna thinking she was protecting him. Ruri jumps infront of sauske and memma blocking some senbon from hitting them.

Sauske: what are you doing I don't need your help, I'm an Uchiha elite.

Memma: yeah I was about to defeat her.

Ruri: shut up both of you. Haku, we don't need to fight Gato is planning on betraying you I heard it from one of his men.

Haku was shocked this, she turned off her Ice mirrors and took off her mask.

Haku: thank you I'll go tell zabuza and we can stop fighting.

Sauske: no I will beat you

Memma: your still are enemie so will destroy you.

Haku not even acknowledging them bodyflicker to zabuza who was surprised by her appearance.

Zabuza: Haku what are you doing here, did you already kill those brats.

Haku: no master It turns out Gato was planning on betraying us.

Zabuza: what that rat bastered planned on not paying me. Oh I'm going to gut him like a fish. Kakashi, it seems we have a common goal now, killing a pig.

Kakashi: yeah I had enough of this mission already.

Raiga: dammit I ry wanted to kill you guys, guess it's for another day.

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