Ships, Ships and MORE SHIPS!?

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Celery Pov

"Dang- chrome...who hurt you today?" "Bitch nobody. I know you and U-" Before Chrome could say anything Ukyo pulled out a rare rock I haven't seen in my life. It looked pretty tho. "Ok I will keep my mouth shut. Btw thank you." What the hell- "WELL HYOGA, IM NOT THAT FUCKING MOODIE, LIKE YOUR FUCKING NO DIFFERENT!" "WELL YOU CAN'T EVEN PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER HONEY! LOOK AT YOU, YOU LOOK LIKE THE SUN JUST GOT DONE CHILLING IN A DUMPSTER!" 

Other people started agueing and stuff and it was ANNOYING. But i didn't see Gen anywhere. Where the heck is he now? I rather search for Gen then hear these people argue most of the god damn time. I didn't see him go into my room so that's off the list- He could be- 

"Senku-chan is something wrong?" I jumped a bit and got a bit red..."Wha- how did you get their?" "I was in the restroom..." "Oh- How did you know where it was then?" I ask Yuzuriha where it was." "Oh-" 

I was about to stand up to make an anouncment, Gen blurted out,"Ok I'M FUCKING HUNGRY NOW, CAN WE EAT NOW! I'M FUCKING STARVING?!" As He said that...EVERYONE shutted up. "Ok I will get the table set." "And I will take out the cherry pie imediatly!" Dang Gen, i did not know you had an erge to scream. After about 5-7 minutes later of talking, Dinner was ready. FINALLY...No more god damn arguing. "This is really good Ryusui, how did you make this?!" Taiju said with food in his mouth. "I learned from the best, Francois!" "They are talented at cooking, I got to say!" 

Well that pease lasted for about 10 seconds. Kinro and Ginro started to fight about some bs, Ukyo has now started a war with Hyoga and Ryusui, Taiju and Chrome are being crazy idiots again, Yuzuriha is prop somewhere...Prop in the restroom or something avoiding the situation, Tsukasa is like trying to calm everyone down but we all know that is not going to work and Gen...Where is he actually?- 


I standed up from my chair and went to go look for Gen...again. I search the kitchen and the room. He was prop outside trying to plot something- 

I closed the door quietly so no one will notice and Gen was just sitting their...doing nothing? That's weird, even for the mentalist. I go up to him very quietly to see him...blank...he was probably staring into space. I waved my hand across his face for a good 15 seconds. I didn't know what to do so...i just yelled out, "Oi, We are playing..." What does he like?...oh- 

"There's cola in their if you want some" "HUH?!" That was quick. "Nevermind i was just kidding." "Oh...DON'T DO THAT YOU HAD ME EXSITED." "Oh...Sorry about that." With a awkward giggle, i did blush a bit. I gotta admit...The mentalist is cute-. "So...Senku-chan?" "Hm? Whats up?" 

" u have a crush?" THE H.E.C.K. WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! I've- nvm...Maybe....

"I do....actually..." I was hiding my face of redness. "I do also! Who is it?!" Wait...Oh its most likely X. I feel like i was being watched tho. "Is your Hansome X?" "No that's incorrect!" "Oh...well I will tell you my crush." "Ohhh~" "And I will show it too." "Huh?" 

I kissed Gen....for the first time....I was in love....I justed pulled away and stood up from the step...but that did not stop gen. He also stood up but insted of walking with me to the door. He kissed me again...and it was aggresive enough to almost make me flinch, but i kissed back. 

Then this happend- 

"WHAHOOOO FINALLY!" "CONGRATS!" "YAY!" Everyone started cheering from the window- WHAT-

"What the fuck-" "Oh great Senku-chan lets just goinside before we wake up anyone or.....whatever." "Yeah..Let's just.....go inside." 






















 Writer's notes: HELLO! I will also do another ship (yes another ship) in pov or chat, but idk- 

Anyways sorry i haven't posted much this week i had mid-terms and stuff so- I didn't have much time to write and type. I hope this is good enough and dont worry there will be more~ 

Anyways bye bye!

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