4 Best Friends

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Celery Pov

"So what are you guys gonna get?" "Idk...Oi dumbass what the hell do you want?" Ukyo said as he was prop joking about Ryusui. "I don't know yet..." He said that very calmly like he ignored the word dumbass. "Well I already know what I want so-..." Gen walked up to the counter to the person. "I want...The lychee boba tea please! I also would like Strawberry Mochi please!" Thats an interesting combo...but whatever...

"What do you guys want?" I had no clue but I liked Green tea and chocolate mochi so I went up to the counter and said, "I would like the Green...Tea Matcha boba and Chocolate Mochi please."Then the Ukyo also went to the counter after I said my order. "I will just take a Mango boba please." Ryusui was still thinking like its a life changing decition. Finally he went up to the counter. "I will just have the usual thank you." Wait what- The person nodded and said, "For that total of all of your orders it would be 32.63." 

I grabed my wallet, but Gen blocked me and he payed insted. "Don't worry about it Senku-chan, I will pay for it!" "Ok thank you your orders will be out in a few minutes!" We all sat at a nearby table and started to go on our phones and played some games. We waited for about 10 minutes and after we got out of the shop...this happend again. 

"WHY THE HELL DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR YOU TO FLIPPING DECIDE WHEN U ALREADY KNOW WHAT TF YOU WANT?!" Dang- calm tf down- "I just wanted something new? Is that a problem, Ukyo?" He said that rather calm again. Is something wrong with him? "N-no...i was just wondering-" They are..."Acting weird? Yeah I know something probably happend with Ryusui." I almosted jump as Gen was whispering in my ear. "Yeah i guess..." 

"Oi what are you guys whispering about?" "Why is it your concern?" "Eh-whatever. Come on we have to go....shopping." W-What? Eh whatever i don't really care,....but its a pain....and a drag. "Where are we gonna go first?"As Ryusui said. Everyone was silent. No one spoke a peep. Dang- ig i'll say something..." Well I was gonna go get  a new set of headphones." Everyone still did not speak. What is going on- 

Then Gen had a suggestion..."Maybe we should just go...to the mall? I mean I do have some things I want to get." "What things?" "Oh so now u wanna talk?" Damn- "Whatever idk where we should go tho-" As Ryusui was looking around, he went on his phone and," Oh! I know where to go now!" Great where now? 

'~TimeSkip to the place Ryu wants to go to~' 

"What the hell Ryusui! Gen already said we would go to the fucking mall?!" Ukyo said as he was absolutly angry at Ryusui. "I was about to say we were going to the mall!" "Guys, Guys no need to fight! Its fine! Lets just go in and-" He was interupted by both Ukyo and Ryusui," SHUT UP GEN-" Ok thats fucking it. "LUFFY AND YELLOW ARROW IF YOU DON'T STOP YOUR ARGUING, IMA ASK CHROME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING BETWEEN YOU GUYS! YOU UNDERSTAND?!" I hate using this voice.

"Ok mr. smarty!" "Oi shut up or else." Ahh- thats better- "..." 

"Ok How about we split up?!" "That would be a good Idea...concedering I don't want to deal with thoes two idiots." I said as I was pointing to luffy and yellow arrow. "Ok I gotta go get more supplies for my ship...again." "Ryusui, didn't you get some like 3 days ago?" Suprienly Ukyo said that in a calm voice...Wait how does he know that? Whatever i don't care. "...Yeah....that....DOESN'T MATTER!" He sprinted off to whatever the store was called- 

"Well...I'm going to restock on arrows, see if they got anything else I might need. Bye guys see ya later!" Ukyo said as he walked the other direction. It was just me and Gen now. I wonder what he needs. "I don't really have much I need, but I do need some new outfits I might want for my next show." "Why do you need outfits for your shows? Don't you have like a usual or something?" I was just wondering...since idk what he does in his job...besides some things I saw on tv. "My Manager said I need to get more outfits and be a bit more creative, but i don't really know what to get. I was just thinking some kind of fancy but not too fancy outfit." "I guess that makes since."  "Bye Senku-chan, Hope you find what you need!" He kissed me on the check and walked away. 

"Well...I better get going then...I need more parts." 

Word count: 800 


Anyways, The next chapter(s) will be of the 4 boys going to get whatever they got....well idk how to explain it, but you'll see~

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