☁︎ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ☁︎ -1-

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You're a singer at a popular bar and you've fallen in love with a regular, Thoma.

I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked stunning, that not one hair was out of place. He'd be here tonight, as every Saturday night. Best tipper and cutest one in the crowd. I get up on stage and start to sing. He's late, just barely coming in. "please call me yours!" I make eye contact with him. I was singing this just for him. After all his visits, I couldn't help but eventually fall for him. We had gotten to talking at some point after my shows, however saying we were friends was an overstatement. He says the drinks here are his favorite, and I'm just a bonus. We don't talk much about our personal lives and I've never seen him outside of the bar. It's possible he's taken and I'm wasting my time being hung up on him. Yet, I can't help but hope that's not the case. I watch as he goes to the bar and stares at me with a large grin. He lifts up his drink to me, as a cheer. I smile. "Why don't chu want me!" I look over to the crowd, singing this while looking at him is too embarrassing. I look upon some of the tables to all the happy couples. It just makes me sing louder, happier, and with ease. He'd never know this song was meant for him and he didn't need to. Maybe it'd be best to stay friends, instead of possibly ruining what we had going on. I finish my song and watch as someone else comes up. The crowd applauds and I hurry over to Thoma. "Late today, eh? First time ever, may I remind you." I tease with a sly smile.

"I was busy today." He says sheepishly. He takes a swig of his drink and starts giving me the same sly smile back. "What about you though? First time I've heard you sing a love song." I usually sing whats popular at the moment, however this one only has somewhat high ratings. He's caught me, even so, I'm happy to know he's been paying attention to what I've been doing on stage.

"There's no one, if that's what you're implying. I just decided to try something new. You never know what sticks." I motion for the bartender, who knows me well enough to bring me my usual.

"There you go, (Y/N). Wonderful show tonight," I smile at him and start taking a sip of my drink. "and happy birthday Thoma." I almost spit out my drink. "Sorry I couldn't make it to your party, work of course."

"A party you say, Diluc?" I give Thoma a curious smile. "Thanks for the compliment on my show. If you stick around, you can see me giving Thoma an earful." I say with a laugh. I take another sip of my drink and eye Thoma, who looks awkward. Diluc sees what's happening and with a smile, slips away.

"You see-" I put up a finger and hush him.

"It's ok. We're not all that close, why bring a stranger to your birthday party. Happy Birthday, however. I hope you've had a good night. Or maybe you being late confirms that?" I tease. "Maybe you're the one who has someone?" I perusal his movements and he starts blushing. Could it be, I was right?

"I.." He seems to think for a moment. "No! I was running late because they didn't want me to leave the party." He sighs.

"That pauses makes you all the more convincing. There's no need to hide it, Thoma." I motion to Diluc for another drink.

"There really isn't! I just.." Thoma quiets down as Diluc pops by briefly to give me my drink. "There is someone, but they weren't at the party. You just flustered me!" Of course there's someone he fancies. You'd practically be a fool not to favor him back.

"If you say so." Diluc brought me something stronger this time, looks like he knew what I needed. I take a large gulp of it. "Try not be late next time, however. Got it? I should be getting home now, as usual." I stood up and he did the same. He usually got up and saw me to the door, he's never left the bar with me, however. "Tonight I'll give you a thank you and birthday gift. A thank you for all the tips. They really help."

"A gift?" He inquires with a hint of excitement.

"Yes.." I kissed his lower lip. "I'll see you next week Thoma." I rushed to the door, only glancing back once. He was stunned, touching his lip, and was giving me a tender look. I hurried home and the butterflies just wouldn't disappear. I couldn't help it after hearing he liked someone.. My heart aches so much now.

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Artist @ max_eera on Instagram
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