Pantalone Pt4

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Small spicy scene and implication bc u simps hungry fr. What if I sold NSFW stories/j

The feeling of a warm gloved hand cups my cheek, wiping away my tears. Before I can open my eyes the warmth is all around me, but that stupid expensive cologne is what lets me know it's him. He's come back.

I hold onto him tightly, afraid he'll push me away and never come back. He rests his head on mine, his breathing ultimately calming me. I pull away slightly to look up at him, a genuine smile on his face. "Did you miss me?"

"No of course not, I was crying about the dead fish." He looks over to the pond curiously. "Of course I missed you! You just.. left." I sigh, letting him go but it makes him hold onto me tighter.

"Leaving seemed like the best decision, but Vlad expressed some concern." He caresses my cheek. "I just didn't want to hurt you.. I guess I shouldn't of spent getting to know my enemy over dinner, huh?" He pulls me in closer.

Over the next few nights we chatted about just anything, something about a jacket and bracelet. Then what I've been up to the last 6 months, besides moping around. Months and months went by then came his birthday. I did all I could to learn about him as he did me, even if his way was with malicious intent. Vlad and Nadia said they'd leave the two of alone, but that they'd help with the set up at the very least. I told him we were just doing dinner tonight when he asked what our plans were. He seemed so disappointed it was almost adorable. His favorite flavored cake was on the table, lighter right next to it, some cold drinks in the fridge, and plenty of balloons that filled the ceiling. I hear him knock on the door, so I hurry to open it. "Happy birthday..!" I pop a small confetti popper. His eyebrows lifting with surprise. "Did you really think I'd forget?" He chuckles, bring me into his arms.

"I was surely hoping you didn't." He lets me go after a loving moment, looking around at the decorated dinning room. "I ran because I was scared I'd end up all alone again, seeing this makes me.. so happy." He sits at the table, where I light the candles.

"Make a wish." He thinks for a long moment, the candle wax getting on the frosting.

"I wish for you to stay by my side, (Y/N)." He blows out the candles, my ears heating up. He takes off his coat, which he doesn't do often, smiling over at me. He cuts his cake, cutting me a slice as well. As he takes a bite I get nervous, hoping he likes it. "You.. who told you this? My my, seems like I'm not the only one who's sneaky hm? It tastes amazing, thank you dear." I blush slightly, taking a bite of the cake.

Once we finished up eating and having a few drinks we're snuggling up on the couch. I'd never seen him smile so happily once he realized how much I had figured out about him. "So Vlad and Nadia aren't coming. May I ask why?"

"Ah that? Hmm, they said they wanted to give us alone time." His hand starts to slither down to my waist chuckling.

"Alone time?" He bites my earlobe. "What would that imply, my dear?" I can feel my ears heat up as his breath slithers down neck.

"That's not what they meant, they just didn't want to get in the way of our date night.." He chuckles, his breath against my neck making me shiver.

"Mm, sure. Will you gift yourself to me tonight?"

I wake up sore the next morning, looking up at his sleeping face. He scrunches you his face, seeing the light peek through the curtains. He pulls me closer, snuggling his face into the top of my head. "How do you feel? Hopefully I didn't hurt you, I don't tend to know my own strength." I chuckle.

"No no.. I'm just a little sore." He hums, rubbing my back. We stayed in bed longer to cuddle, only separating because my stomach started to growl.

I watched as he made breakfast for me, lunch, dinner. Only for him to stay the night again and again. Eventually giving him the key to my house. He would leave for weeks on end because of business. He'll come back bearing gifts and endless amount of hugs. Even if he is Fatui, I have my own way of seeing him.

As we step outside the house a cool breeze passes by, it makes me shiver a slight bit. I watch as the breeze knocks a few leaves off the tree. I reach out to grab one. "It's fall, isn't it beautiful when the seasons change Pantalone?" He chuckles, pulling me closer.

"I never used to think so, until I spent these days with you. Why don't we go somewhere nicer for dinner this week. We'll go wherever you like, anywhere in the world."

We eventually settle for a nice restaurant, not too far yet not too close. It's enough that it has a new feeling to it. I order the specialty and he orders something more familiar to him. "So why did you decide to take me somewhere new? Are you leaving on business again?" I take a sip of my drink, his hand finding it's way to be on top of my free hand.

"Because I love you, I wasn't sure I could feel that way about anyone. Yet here you are, even after all I planned for you." His face contorts with concern. "You don't resent me even a little..?" I put my drink down, thinking of what to say when the food comes.

"Not even a little, because I can see you're not faking this. I love you too, I'm not alone because of you."

We eat, chatting away about his next business trip. We pay the check, leaving to some body of water. I look at my reflection, stealing a few glances at him. "You know, on my last business trip I managed to get something made for you."

"Is that so?" I look away from the water to him. He kneels down in front of me, pulling out a box. A ring. It's beautifully made, I almost don't dare look away. "There isn't a moment I don't think of you, please marry me." My eyes widen, the moment suddenly becoming real. I cover my mouth with my right hand holding out my other. Tears falling as he slides on the ring. Once he stands I hurry to hug him.

"My answer will always be yes.." He strokes my hair, chuckling.

"Now you'll always be mine." He holds me tighter. "I never want to let you.. What if something happens to you?"


I walk down the aisle, smiling at Nadia and then looking over at Pantalone. He has an endearing smile, I can see a small tear rolling down his cheek. As I stand in front of him he pulls back the veil, seeing me more clearly "You look beautiful, I'm going to have you all to myself very soon.."

The priest starts his words looking to me first. "Do you take Pantalone, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes." My heart is beating a mile a minute.

He looks to Pantalone. "Do you take (Y/N) your lawfully wedded lover?" His fingers curl under my chin his fingers resting gently on my cheeks, pulling my face closer. Our lips only an inch away.

"I don't." His fingers dig into my cheeks, his lips curling into a malicious grin. Did I hear him incorrectly..? My heart feels like it's being squeezed, my vision blurring. "Remember the roses and note..? They've been meant as dates this whole time, I was satisfied seeing you crying at the pond. I just couldn't help myself. I promise you that anyone that ever approaches you can never be trusted." Everyone, everyone, gets up and leaves. Leaving me crying at the alter. I look toward Nadia, who leaves without looking back.

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Artist @ kynlv1on Instagram
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