Chapter 11: Horror of the Tyrant

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Hitoshi has been interning with Sir nighteye for the past 2 days. He has observed everything and anything about him.

From his ideal coffee to his how many time he adjust his wristwatch, Hitoshi knows it all. He now has a psychological profile of the man, he knows the way he talks, he know the way he thinks.

This is why the assassination is going to be be an easy one. Well it should have been, if not for a clown.

Ochaco: Hitoshi, Sir told us to go do some paperwork hurry up!

Hitoshi: I HATE YOU! Coming.

An unexpected factor had came in. Ochaco decided to intern with Sir Nighteye too. Hitoshi found this as one of the worst outcomes. This is because she would constantly follow him around wherever and whenever.

Hitoshi swears that secretly she has collected some of his hair. With this annoying person potentially ruining his plan, Hitoshi needs to keep his guard up at all times.

His plan was simple. On day 4 of the internship he will fake being sick and take a day off from the internship. He will also spite Ochaco's drink in advance with a slow working laxative to make her feel bad on the day itself.

Then on day 5, he will kill Sir Nighteye and everyone in the office to make sure there are no witnesses. After that he will have some of his goons to occupy the building to make it seem like it was an assault on the building instead of an assassination.

Simple plan, but not that simple execution. The toughest part was probably killing Nighteye himself. But worst comes to worst he will call Dabi for reinforcements.

Ochaco: What's wrong Hitoshi?

Hitoshi just realised he was in deep thought as he snaps back to reality.

Hitoshi: I HATE YOU! Nothing.

Scene change to Citrus

Citrus is currently running in alleyways in Hosu. He is trying to find the damm hero killer before the official date of his attack on Tenya Lida.

In his calculations, the hero killer needed to be dealt with Asap to avoid an unnecessary confrontation on the day itself.

Suddenly, a sharp knife is thrown at him from the side. He senses this as he barely dodged the knife in time. Citrus immediately knows who is it as he turns to face the direction.

Stain: Who are you? I've never seen you before. You look strong though.

Citrus: My name's not important, I was sent to end you, so prepare for a fight.

Stain: Ho? Interesting proposition, but alas, your arrogance ends today.

Stain approaches Citrus as both of them got into their battle positions. Stain charges at Citrus with his jagged katana as he slices his sides.

Citrus saw this coming as he leaps over the katana and kicks Stain in the head. This knocked Stain back a little bit as Stain prepares another slash.

Citrus does a backflip as he lands slightly further away. Stain suddenly wall runs and closed the distance between the 2. Citrus got caught off guard as he got slashed in the arm.

Stain immediately got behind him as he licks his blade. In an instance, Citrus got onto the ground as his body stopped moving. Stain slowly walking towards the down Citrus.

Stain: Any last words?

Citrus: Tell Dragon I love her.

Stain: Who's Dragon?

The Blood Tyrant - AU Izuku YagiWhere stories live. Discover now