Chapter 26: Calm After the Storm

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Izuku: Oh you got to be shitting me, just my luck.

Izuku is currently having a three way standoff between him, AfO and Nezu's hero team.

To understand why this happened we got to rewind back just a little bit.

Rewind to AfO

AfO was flying around in the sky trying to find the 9th holder of OfA, when he suddenly saw a bright light radiating from a distance. The light was followed up by a red aura that flared up to the skies.

AfO: Gaw damn. That's one fearsome aura. I'm definitely not going there.

AfO prepares to fly away when he sensed something off about the air.

AfO: Something isn't rig...HUH? I CANT SENSE IT...

AfO trembles in a panic as he covers his what's left of a face with his hand. He starts to sweat as he quickly concentrates.

AfO: I can't sense One for All...

Doctor: What? That's impossible, as long as the current holder of OfA's soul isn't dead, the quirk should still exist.

The doctor quickly flips a book he had on him. The book was his research on quirks he had done for his whole life.

Doctor: There, article 3: section 2.4. As long as a holder's soul exist in the material world, the quirk will be attached to the soul, even if the material body doesn't exist anymore. There must be a fluke.

AfO: No...I can't sense Izumi Yagi's soul either. Her soul was destroyed.

Doctor: But by who?

AfO: Who else...but that monster.

AfO felt a wave of fear over him. He had lived many many years, more than the average human. But this is the first time he had felt this much fear from a single human...nein...he ain't human. Monster would describe him better.

AfO: I want that power, now that One for All is gone, my target will be him. This isn't going to be easy though, now that Tomura is gone too.

Doctor: I suggest we retreat for now, you have gotten out of the stasis pod for too long, I believe the body has started to decompose.

AfO: Yes, I shall return, but first I shall find Kurogiri, I can still sense his presence, he is still alive.

Doctor: That's great, we really would rather not lose him.

AfO flies in the direction where his sense are calling him.

Scene change to Izuku

Izuku: Where the heck is Dabi and the rest.

With slow steps, Izuku stumbles along the general direction of their meetup spot. He didn't have much energy left at all, in fact, he would rather fall asleep for a few hours first.

The wounds he had also didn't help as every second, he is bleeding out slowly and slowly.

Izuku: Oh I think I'm close

Izuku mutters as he sees the house where everyone is suppose to be. However, the house looked different. Mainly because there is a giant hole in place of the front door.

It looked like something crashed through the door for reason. Izuku was concerned that more people will have been injured so he rushed forward, ignoring the pain is gave him.

As he entered the house, he saw Dabi poking a metal object with a stick. Dabi turned around to see Izuku almost falling over as he ran over to support him.

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