Chapter Four

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Four years ago. A loud gust of wind flows through the Laurie House, well through the outside.

It is eerily quiet, as it is night, only thing heard, is the crickets chirping.

An owl hoots, the wind continues flowing through as loud as it can possibly be.

We flow through it, as if we are a guest. We enter the house by flowing through the main door.

A loud bang is heard. We quickly flow up the stairs, we stop at a door.

We hear shouting. It was Steve. I have done it Steve shouts.

A loud shriek is heard. We as quick as possible flow through the door, and see Steve, standing over a large suitcase.

Steve looks at us, noticing something. He walks up to us.

The floorboards creak as he walks along. He looks directly at us, and reaches for us, and goes through us.

He noticed his dartboard wasnt straight, and proceeds to correct it.

Greatest scientific achievement and cant even set the scene right, what will my biographers think, he thinks, to himself, he tries to say it out loud but is interrupted.

One of the traps had gone wrong, and a large, hammer, like, object just flew through the wall, right of the door, narrowly avoiding Steve.

What just happened he shouts.

He knew full well what happened, a trap malfunctioned, and it was most likely his fault, but he didnt admit it.

Someone must have made it malfunction he thinks. He walks over to the suitcase, which had an actual sledge hammer next to it.

As a way to vent out his anger, he proceeds to hit it with the hammer, time and time again, but it is in pieces.

As the suitcase breaks, it catches fire. Thank goodness for the bottle of water across the room, which Steve uses to dose off the fire.

With the fire dosed off, he throws the bottle away, and hits the suitcase with the hammer again, and again, and again, ventilating his anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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