Chapter 27

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The laundry was temporarily forgotten as they all gathered around the fire. The sun was no longer overhead and began to dip below the trees, making the area cooler than before. It didn't help that they had been in the frigid water, either. So as they all warmed by the fire, those who hadn't heard the entire story waited in anticipation for Nagan to begin. Nagan gave a slight chuckle, feeling a bit nervous about having all of his friends' attention on him.

"Before I say anything, I promise I'm fine now. The Arclovens have been taking very good care of me, and I can't be more grateful." He nudged his shoulder with Az's. "As you all know, except for Blaine, I was born in Tekanlab and stayed in Sa'aremak for most of my childhood. My mother, Ania, was a gypsy of the Rasek tribe and my father was Nageth Elvar, but he had recently been disowned by the Elvars for marrying my mother. Unfortunately, the last I saw him was when I was four and has been declared missing ever since.

"After that, my mother eventually had to rejoin her tribe when we couldn't afford our home anymore, and we traveled all over the desert and even into Mahta and Laurow a few times. We were attacked by another tribe, however, which...spiraled a whole series of events."

Nagan grimaced before continuing.

"They were a warring tribe and killed all the men before taking the women and children, but they refused to take me in since I had blond hair. So they told my mother that she could either abandon me in the desert or leave with me without any supplies." He huffed out a laugh. "You can guess what she chose, and they underestimate her ability to survive. We then headed to Hecatite to try to seek refuge with the Elvars, but they didn't want anything to do with us, and the feelings are still mutual.

"That's when we headed to Tarkon. I don't really know what for, but I think she was looking for Master Dagmire. He and my father were like brothers, and my mother was close to him, too. But...then we were caught there in the winter."

Blaine sensed the tone shift immediately and nearly insisted that he needn't continue, but Nagan kept talking.

"We weren't at all prepared. With only the clothes on our back from the desert, scraps of fabric we found in alleyways, and not a single coin, there wasn't any chance of us surviving." Nagan shrugged and looked at the fire, crossing his legs beneath him. "There was only one place that would let us stay and feed us, which was a brothel. And...well, we were desperate.

"Long story short, she was killed, I ran before the brothel master could think about selling me, and I managed to survive until one of the fae baby dragons teleported me to Carvolier," Nagan hastily summarized the story, chewing the inside of his lip.

"I'm...truly sorry for your loss," Blaine said, giving a worried look at Az, silently asking if Nagan was really alright.

"Thank you," Nagan replied with a small smile. "I've had time to accept it, and as I said, the Arclovens have helped a lot—"

Nothing more could be said as a dragon's shriek rang in the air. Nagan and Carthadeus were the first to stand.

"I don't like that," Carthadeus said, glancing at Nagan to gauge his reaction. Nagan gave him a nod, confirming his suspicion. "We go back. Now."

It took Blaine longer for the statement to sink in, and by the time it had, the teens were already on the move. Each had a hand on their weapon; Nagan, Carthadeus, and Az grasping the hilt of their swords, Gath slinging his bow over his shoulder, and Aitor with a glowing, open palm as a vine wrapped around his hand.

By the time they got to the village, the fight had already started. Villagers scrambled for cover. Soldiers were locked into combat with the raiders, both magically and physically. Houses were burning. There were bodies on the ground.

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