Chapter 4

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"Korma... Can we please get back to the original topic now?" Fai rubbed his temples trying to ward off his pulsing headache. He should ask Marvi for a tonic later. "I know you're worried about your supply of amplific quartz, but if you think of it logically, all the kids here can cast spells and know their base magic. I'm sure your current supply will suit you just fine for the time being."

"Oh," the frazzled professor sighed in defeat, "these fund cuts... They're too much! We can barely afford to teach these mere hundred students!"

"Not to mention how we've already cut the 'unnecessary' classes," the history professor said as he shook his head.

"Indeed, indeed, Professor Babora! To get rid of the majority of history, leaving behind the bare minimum of ethics and law!" the newest edition and temporary replacement for runes, Frinn Wolve, chirped. "I understand this is wartime, but even those sitting at home are getting a better education than this! They are still children after all and should be able to learn more than how to fight!"

A sharp Bang! resonated from further down the table, and all eyes turned to the rather imposing figure of the alchemy, and temporarily potions, teacher as he stood sharply, his hand clenched in a tight fist. "Exactly! Children! Not soldiers! I still can't believe Rorric would even volunteer Carvolier Academy to be used as a training grounds!"

"Please calm down, Min. Nothing about these times are ideal," the incantations professor said mildly. Out of everyone at this table, she was one who Fai could rely on keeping things from being broken.

Fai rested his head on the table with a heavy sigh. So much for getting anything done. Better to let them run out of steam first though.

He closed his eyes and tuned out the conversation entirely, barely registering Marvi and Archabor trying to regain order. Bless their souls, but it was futile.

To be honest, Fai didn't want to become the temporary head at all. Not even Master Dagmire had to deal with this circus. But, alas, he was off dealing with an even bigger circus. He couldn't say he was jealous of the drained Master Dagmire.

The only reason why he was in this position in the first place was the Council called away the deputy headmaster and the one after him! Leaving only three proper Dragonmages to protect Carvolier: Himself, Layleigh Ximor, and Min Trevelion. And on top of that, he had to bring in a temporary replacement while the rest of them doubled up on subjects. Everyone was at their breaking point it seemed.

He briefly turned his head to gaze at the young Frinn Wolve. To say he was impressed was an understatement. Out of all of them, she seemed to adjust the quickest and always gave it her all. It reminded him of when he was brought in as a hasty replacement. Considering the combat professor before him was the notorious Nageth Elvar, it was safe to say he had big shoes to fill.

And now he was teaching the man's son... A responsibility he didn't deserve.

But speaking of Nagan...

"That gypsy boy, by the way," Min began, having long since calmed down. His temper flared like wildfire but faded as easily as blowing a candle. "He's doing very well despite it all, don't you think? I've even seen him tutoring those who don't get the material."

"Gypsy boy?" Frinn quirked a brow. "You mean the one who's always with Young Master Arcloven? The Time Mage?"

"That would be him," drawled Sir Luxivo. "That, and the constant cloud of chaos that seems to follow him wherever he goes."

He also seems to appear in every conversation somehow, Fai internally quipped sarcastically. Honestly, the boy can't seem to catch a break.

Layleigh simply nodded along. "He's a pleasure to teach. Extremely bright and resourceful."

Frinn, "Why is he not at Hovakara? Isn't that the mage school in Sa'aremak?"

"Carvolier is Nagan's father's alma mater," Marvi explained patiently. "I also seem to recall the fact he was in Tarkon at the time."

"Is...this the same boy who gave the Kinsmen of the Dark the Codex of Drakarmir?" Frinn asked almost timidly.

The small chorus of murmurs and nods was her answer. An awkward silence hung in the air for a time.

"If you all got the chattering out of your systems," Fai said while raising his head, sitting straight in this seat at last, "let's continue with our original topic."

He didn't wait for any confirmation or agreements before continuing. "We have several second years who just received a dragon egg mere weeks before all this began. Those eggs should be hatching soon, and we need someone who can teach them how to raise and care for a dragon."


"Not too chatty now are we," Fai grumbled irritably to himself. "No volunteers? Min? Layleigh?"

"I'm teaching alchemy and potions," Min monotoned.

"There's a significant amount of chanters and casters in our ranks," Layleigh hummed.

Fai deadpanned and desperately wanted to bash his head against the table so hard he knocks himself out. "I guess that leaves me, doesn't it."

Another murmur of agreement. Really? That's all the condolences he gets?

Marvi at least gave him a light pat on the shoulder like the angel she was. Rorric really was an idiot to give up such a woman.

"Well then." He stood and eyed the people around the table. "That could've been a much quicker meeting, but no use mourning over lost time."

Making his way over to the door, not bothering to see if the others had moved, he added, "Now if you'll excuse me, apparently I have a new class to plan for. Lucky me."

He didn't bother shutting the door behind him.

Ah. I forgot to ask Marvi for a tonic, he thought ruefully as he strolled to his office.

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