Ch. 1 Snow Falls and the ski tourists return

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"Winter Rental", Ch. 1 Snow Falls and the ski tourists return,
by Gratiana Lovelace January 10, 2022 (Post #1438)
("Winter Rental" is an original contemporary romance story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2022; All rights reserved.);
[(1) the "Winter Rental" story cover (above) image credits are at the end of each chapter(s) post]

[Author's note: I cast my characters as I write my stories—to helpmyself and my readers visualize the main characters. So my main characters for "Winter Rental" are: Richard Armitage as Greg Halliday; CameronDiaz as his younger sister Connie Halliday; Anne Hathaway as Diana Langley; [Liam] Hemsworth as Eddie Hughes; Rege-JeanPage as Mike Porter, and others as noted.

I will post new storychapters on both my SAL blog,as well as, on my Wattpad site. And initially, I posted Ch. 0through Ch. 2 to get this story started, then after that I will post newchapters weekly.

This is also a gentle romance (with chapters being rated as PG-13 or so, unless otherwise noted), with some heartfelt romantic moments—and some mature romantic discussions put to humorous effect. So if you cannot or will not attend a movie with my maturity ratings, then don't read that chapter. And though I set my story in the lovely city and area of Galena, IL—which I have enjoyed visiting many times—for the purposes of my storytelling here, I use dramatic license of the facts, individuals, locations, etc. These are my disclaimers.]

      "Winter Rental", Chapter 1: Snow Falls and the Ski Tourists Return

For as long as Diana Langley can remember, she has worked weekends at her family's sporting goods store that her brother Gary now runs as part owner with her. Her brother Gary and she each received a half interest in the family's Langley Sporting Goods Store in the lovely Galena, Illinois—with Diana being mostly a silent partner. But she helps out at the store at the registers, now and then on busy tourist weekends.

Diana Langley had spent the last few months of the previous year tying up the loose ends from her father's death last year—and she grieves mournfully for his loss. He had been sick for several years and she had cared for him in the home she grew up in for as long as she could--until he needed intensive nursing care that they could only receive financial assistance with if he was in a nursing home. So that is where he went for several months toward the end of his life- and where she held him in her arms when he passed away in early fall, four months ago.

An only child for all intents and purposes--since her brother Gary was of no help with caring for their father during his illness, not even to provide a respite for her--Diana has been adrift a bit now that she has free time that she has to fill. Her work as a teacher is professionally fulfilling, but she does not have any caring personal relationships--romantic or otherwise--to help nurture her soul. You see, when you have a chronically and severely ill family member, your friends eventually fall away because you don't have as much free time to spend with them as you used to—and they don't know what to say or how to help, and it is very isolating.

And though Diana did decorate her home festively this past Christmas 2021, she didn't have anyone to share it with. And after the Christmas Holidays, there is always a let down. But Diana hopes that the new year of 2022 brings with it new possibilities for friendship, and perhaps more. At twenty eight years old, Diana is young and youthfully beautiful—with lovely auburn hair falling in curling waves over her shoulders, a clear complexion, expressive kind eyes, and full lips that beg to be kissed. She just needs to find the right man whom she wants to kiss, she thinks bemusedly. Were this another era, she would be labeled a spinster. However, in our modern era, women are not defined by their marital status. But for many people, they hope to find that one special someone to share life and love with as they grow old together. And for Diana, she hopes to find a love of a lifetime.

And though the Northern Illinois ski resort town of Galena that Diana and her family live in is mostly filled with tourists during the Winter ski season, there are also a few people who trickle in for short stays at other times of the year as well. The city of Galena, Illinois and its surrounding area is truly a lovely place to visit and to live. You approach from the south via a somewhat winding hill/mountain highway road from which you see a breathtaking vista of the valley below of homes and the city of Galena itself.

The river running through the city of Galena had once been a major thoroughfare of commerce and transportation over 150 years ago in the mid 1800's. But through over use and [the town and the State] failing to remove the silt that had sedimented on the bottom of the river over time, the river has become a shadow of its former self—narrower and shallow. So no ships or boats of any large commercial size can [traverse] it anymore. But the river and its bridges are still picturesque.

And downtown Galena boasts thriving businesses with old world charm as the city has preserved its older buildings that now house antique stores, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, etc. And one [particularly] famous former resident was President Grant--the General Grant of the Civil War—with a lovely home that the town had granted him, and which now has a charming restaurant in it. The whole area of Galena is charming and lovely. And when you include the ski mountain and resort area, it has been a magnet for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts for the last seventy five years.

Brother and sister Greg and Connie Halliday are two regulars who have visited the Galena area both Winter and Summer since their childhood thirty years ago. And their family used to have a vacation home here. But when Greg and Connie were in college and then after--while establishing their careers[, they were] not able to visit that often. So their aging parents sold their vacation home to the ski resort about five years ago. So, now when Greg and Connie return to Galena, they tend to rent out homes in the resort area for their stays.

Galena's local Pineridge Mountain Ski Resort and Hotel also manages several homes and ski chalets in varying sizes on its large Galena valley resort property. And sometimes the locals also rent out their homes to part time vacationers—that the resort coordinates for a hefty chunk of the rental fee. Diana has never rented out her family's home--now her home deeded to her by her father's will last year. To Diana the idea of having strangers in her home, among her possessions and her memories seems off putting to her.

But yet this early in January Friday, Diana receives a call from her friend Mike Porter who manages the Pineridge Mountain Ski Resort and Hotel pleading for some help in that regard—renting out her personal home--and he invites her to lunch at the resort to discuss it, though she does not know it yet. Walking into the resort's airy upscale dining room--with floor to ceiling windows displaying nature's snow covered beauty, Diana spies her friend and he waves her over to his table.

Mike: Standing up politely and giving her a peck on her cheek as an old [college] chum of Diana's and longtime family friend, Mike asks her. "So, how is everything? Now that the holidays are over?"

[Mike] knows [well] from his own father passing two years ago, how hard it is to work through the grief of losing a parent, as well as, the adjustment of having to reorder your life without them.  [And since Mike was originally from Canada--where most of his family still lives--he was sadly not able to reach home in time, when his father took a turn for the worse and died unexpectedly.  But Mike's wife Michelle and their two kids--their 5 year old son Griffin (from his wife's maiden name) and their 3 year old princess in the making Stefani--are the joys of his life.  And they, like he, are his father's--and their grandfather's--legacy in the world.] 

Diana: "Anticlimactic." She [responds honestly to his question], while she maintains her serene countenance. Because being alone during the holidays is tough, but she doesn't like to broadcast that to others. "School doesn't open for another three weeks—until February. And my lesson plans are all ready to go. So I'm still enjoying my vacation downtime—and contemplating some home improvements. And you, Mike?"

Mike: "Same old, same old. There's a new crop of resort guests every weekend now that the holidays are over--with a few staying a full week now that the snow has finally come."

"Winter Rental", by Gratiana Lovelace (Done 2022) (copyrighted  2022)Where stories live. Discover now