fan freak out

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"Morning Y/N!!" your friend calls out. you yawn, "morning."
"you good?" your friend asks confused.
"i'm just tired, i stayed up late again," you responded.

you guys went to go sit in your seats when you started going into your own little world. thinking about what you'd do when you got home.

all of a sudden a tall brown haired boy walks into the class. standing at about or if not 6'0 which was pretty fucking tall compared to your own height. he was holding a stack of papers and placed them down on the teachers desk; it looked like club forms. after he sat them down he started talking to another kid from your class. you made nothing of it and decided to pull out your sketch book & pencil and began drawing random doodles all over a random page. you looked up waiting for your first class to start. the tall boy goes up to the front of the class as the teacher walks in.

"today, students, mr. oikawa, here will be telling you about the clubs now that you're able to join them," the teacher announced.
we were finally able to join clubs now that it was the second quarter of the year.
'hell yeah,' i thought, "finally i get to go to the arts club."
you've been waiting forever to get back into some sort of art class. it's been too long.

the brown-haired boy started, "so as you all know, or should know, that you can all now join clubs."

his voice sounded very- you didn't know a word for it honestly. you just thought he looked cute. your friend looks over at you and smirks. your friend takes a piece of paper and a pen out of their bag and writes: 'that's pretty gay my dude.'
you began to chuckle. you shake your head, rub it off, and began to pay attention again.

now why didn't the teacher notice? because you're cool obviously 🤨

"here is the list of the clubs:" the boy starts as he goes in alphabetical order for all of the clubs.
you then hear "anatomy & film editing."
'those are the ones,' you thought to yourself.
your friend saw how much of a dork-y smile you made. and it actually made the tall guy notice you. he smiled, "that sound interesting to you?"
you look around confused trying to figure out who said something but realized: all eyes where on you.
'oh fuck-' you thought. you looked over to your friend nervously panicking.
you decided to answer with, "yeah- more or less." and just looked down at your desk.
oikawa chuckled as he continued reading off the list.

once he was done reading off the list he said goodbye to everyone, but he smiled and waved at you specifically as he walked out the door. the teacher gave you all time to look at the club forms. instead all of the girls came running at you and wondering if you knew the guy. turns out he was a 3rd year and very popular amongst the rest of the school.

you heard things like "omg! do you know him?!"
or- "are you two a thing?!"

honestly youve never known about him until now.
so you answer truthfully: "i have no idea who he is"
and everyone just froze.
"WHAT" a girl yelled.
"YOU TWO LOOK LIKE A COUPLE!" another person shouted.
you shrugged, "i don't know who he is. that's that. i don't know what you want me to tell you."

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