day two

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*at rurus house*

Inks pov

I knew error would be the type of pal who would help me!

I went to errors room which how I knew is there was a sign that said "errors room keep out fresh". I open it and see error organizing things on his dresser.

"Oh! Didn't see ya. Shut the door and lock it. " He told me. I did what I was told and I'm not so sure about this now. I mean like Ive seen Skelly's get raped this way.

I walk right next to him and he had lots of things. Small plastic packets with little circles in it, a funny looking stick. " What are these?" I ask him.

Me: you want to comment what you think they are? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Ok. So ink the plastic things are ummm. Condoms and the stick is a pregnancy test" he said pointing at them.

"What's a condom?" I asked. "It helps you from getting pregnant." He said. "What's pregnant" I asked.

I know I know I'm just a cute lil innocent bean. And I want to keep it that way.

See my mom and pop keep telling me. "If a boy likes you. STAY AWAY FROM HIM. Your not like OTHER boys" which I knew I wasn't. Im as gay as gay bacon!!!! I said proudly in my mind.

"Ink? Helllllooooo multiverse to ink!" Error said snapping me back into reality. "Oh hey. What were we talking about?" I asked. Error sighed then smiled.

Errors pov

I sighed but then thought. Why not have a little fun with this? I then told ink " hey ink. Wanna see something really cool?".

Inks face then lights up as a cute lil rainbow.

"Ok so put your hands together and intertwine your fingers." Did what he was told and I used my one hand so he could use his now.

"Now you can't use your hands." I said. Ink then tried to pull them apart but couldn't. "Yeah your right!! I can't!!" Ink said then smiled at me.

I then moved closer to the side of his neck and whispered "which means........ Your vulrinable~".

Strings come from my hand and start to wrap around inks making him hd his arms above his head. "Error!! Please no!!! My mom and pop!!" He yelled..

"Yeah? What about them candy skull~" I said lustfully. "They keep telling me I'm not like other boys!!!" Ink warned. "Cuz your not.... Your mine ink~"

I say them attack his neck leaving all kinds of marks. And one very big mark and a very seeable place where even his scarf couldn't hide. "AHH!! ERROR!! PLEASE!! STO-op~"

he moaned out. I pull back and look at him. " And tomorrow we will learn more ok skittle face?" I say as I untie him. Ink surprisingly nodded. "Til tomorrow Mi Amor" I said as I watch him leave.

I don't understand (errink)Where stories live. Discover now