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Inks pov.

I was worried cuz um.... error left to many marks on my necks. I think he calls some of then. Hockeys? Pockeys? HICKEYS!!!

That what it was. My neck was also sore due to him biting it. I was now at my door and slowly opened it waiting for my dooming fate.

"Hello sweetie! How was....." She then looks at me and my bloody looking neck. "GASTER!!!" She yelled. He then came and I was so embarrassed that my siblings came over too.

"Ink? Did you get raped?" Dad asked. "No. All he did-" my mom and dad froze. "He." My dad said with his creepy calm voice.

"Error just did my neck nothing else." I then realized what I've just done and slapped my hand over my mouth. "Error? That kid who bullied you Error?" My pop asked.

I slowly shake my head as he was gonna get in trouble. "ink please stay away from him unless someone is around" Paige said. I shake my head and was so depressed that Im going to get him in trouble.

I DIDN'T MEAN TO!! " Uhhhhhh. Creators help me." I mumbled into my pillow. I then feel something soft next to me. "Hey luck" I said petting him. Luck is a black cat and I rescued him from a storm.

*Flash back*

It was thundering like crazy and the winds force was strong enough to knock over trash cans. I then heard a small faint noise. I went over to it and  a black kitten starving cold and alone. I then picked it up and put it in my jacket. I then continue to fight my way through the storm to home.

*End of flash back*

I pull him on my lap and pet him as he purrs. He looks at my neck and tilts his head as if asking 'what happened?' "ummm. It was error. My bully."

My little kiteh then let out a little hiss at the mention of his name.

"No he's good now. I think we are actually dating." I then hear a knock on my bedroom door and tell them that it's open.

" Ink I called error and his parents weren't home! So we called him to come over and tell you he's sorry." I then face palm myself as my parents embarrassed the fuck out of me.

Error then walks in and see me with my kitten. Luck hissed and claws at him as he now know me cat hates him.

"may we be alone I have some really personal things to tell ink." He asked. My mom and dad were hesitant but allowed it.

Me: mistake!!! Should've stayed!!!

They left and I told error he don't have to say sorry. He shook his head as he came up to me. "Turns out today you will learn more~"

he said seductively and I could feel myself shiver. "Ok. Just no more biting. " I said as I put luck up to my face to boop noses with him. Error looked.,..... OMG HE IS JELLY!!!

I looked at him with shock. " First things first put the kitten down." He said. I put him down and he hisses at error. Error pinned me to the bed and pulled off my shirt.

"AHHHH!!!! ITS COLD!!!!" I yelled. I then could hear my parents at the door. "SORRY I WAS TEASING INK WITH MY COLD HAND!!"

Error said. Wow smart lie.. I then hear footsteps walking away. Error lowers his head closer to my torso. "E-error?" Error looks up and smirks.

He then pauses. "I can't do it... .you'll be too loud kinky inky." Error said with a sigh. I also sigh but it was out of relief. Oh god...

*Time skip a few minutes*

Error left with a tray of my mom's brownies happily eating one and walked home.

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