Chapter 9

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***The Next Day***
I woke up still in Jacks arms
, we were still out in the hall leaning against the wall. I pulled out my phone and it said it was 10:45,I tried to get loose from Jack without waking him but failed. " Hey sorry I-I didn't mean to wake you." I said standing up " It's fine I'm glad you did." he said smiling "Um do you want to go inside?" I asked pointing at the door "Sure!" he said jumping up and dusting himself off. When we got inside everyone was scattered across the room. A lamp was broken the couch was upside down, what did Cam do. I walked Over to Nash who was laying on the floor and woke him up. He immediately jumped up and gave me a hug,then the 3 of us just stood there in silence."So what happened to Cam." I asked staring at Cam " Well when you left with Jack he started to calm down then fell asleep. I nodded " Don't you guys have a show today?" I asked look back at Nash " Shit ya can you um help me get them up ?" he asked to me and Jack we both nodded started waking up the boys. I slowly walked over to Cam and tried to wake him up. When he opened his eyes they were red and puffy, he jumped into my arms " JJ I'm sorry didn't mean to freak out,are you ok?" he said looking me in the eye " Yeah Cam I'm fine,and I'm sorry " I said by now all of the guys were awake and just sitting there. " Um don't you know that you have a show today it's in like 5 minutes." I chuckled they were all looking at me then ran out the door Cam ran into the bathroom. I laughed and looked up and Jack was still in here on his phone I grabbed my makeup bag and went over to him " Hey jack thanks for last night." I said he looked up from his phone and smiled his perfect white teeth showing, I stared deeply into his brown eyes." Your welcome." he said still smiling I walked over to the full length mirror and sat down on the cold floor and did my makeup.I turned around and saw Jack staring at me " Why are you staring at me ?"I asked laughing he got up and he came over to me, our faces were inches apart. He reached up moved a piece of hair from my face and said " Because JJ Dallas you are beautiful." he whispered he started leaning in and so did I. Right as Jack Gilinsky was about to kiss me. Cameron came out of the bathroom."What's going on out here?" he said Jack was standing up now " I'll talk to later JJ ." Jack said after a moment of silence as he was walking away and he turned and winked at me. Damn you Cam. I turned around and stared at him " What,what did I do?" he said " Just get out Cameron!" I yelled "Listen I know you like him but you can't date him, he's like one of my best friends." he said walking to the door " You can't say that we can date whether you like it or not !"I yelled at him " Hey don't yell at me and I'm your legal guardian soooo!" he said running out the door to the other guys " Oh my god Cameron, I fucking hate you ." I shouted crying. I shouldn't have said that. I regretted it immediately.

***After the show***
I had finished get dressed in a black crop top that said 'Obey' on it and jean shorts and black vans the show just ended and we were going to Starbucks. I ran out when I heard the boys I knew it was them because I heard Taylor yell cock. When I walked outside avoided Cam I ran up to Jack "Hey Gilinsky !" I said rapping my arms around his waist he put his arm around my neck " Hey!"he said smiling down at me. He bent down to my height and whispered in my ear "You look beautiful." I looked up at him and mouthed 'Thank you ' we just sat there and stared at each other until someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see a pissed off Cam, I rolled my eyes and kept walking." Jack come here." Johnson yelled " I'll be right back." Jack said to me then ran over to Johnson " Hey Johnson ." I yelled he looked up at me " Johnson you get no likes." I laughed pretty soon everyone joined in " I see how it is." Johnson said. When we got to Starbucks we all ordered and sat down.

***20 minutes later***
The boys decided to leave " You can go ahead I'm going to the beach." I said throwing my cup away " Can I come?"Jack asked " Sure!" I said. We have been walking for about 5 minutes and I saw him staring at me "What?" I asked. ." N-nothing." he said looking down at his feet " No tell me something is wrong." I said " Can it wait till we get to the beach?" he asked nervously " Ya sure." I said looking at him and smiling " So are you and Cameron ok?" he asked " Um I don't know and how did you know about that?"I asked looking up at him he chuckled and said " We could hear you screaming." I just rolled my eyes about 2 more minutes of walking we finally got to the beach. We sat down I put my head on his shoulder " So are you going to tell me now." I whispered he sighed and stood I followed him he just looked out at the sunset "Please." I said grabbing his hand "JJ I love you." he said looking down " I love you too." I said he looked up and came closer to me and cupped my face " But Cameron said we can't be together." I said letting a tear roll down my cheek " I don't care what Cameron said, I love you." he said whipping my tear with his thumb then he slowly leaned in right before our lips connected I said " I love you too." then he kissed me it was different from when jake kissed me I felt sparks, I felt fireworks . " JJ Elizabeth Dallas will you be my girlfriend?" he said after he pulled away " Yes." I whispered and kissed him one last time " We should be heading back, Cameron is probably worried." I said with my head in his chest " Fine." he whined, I chuckled then he picked me up bridal style and kissed me we started joking around.

***At the hotel***
Jack walked me to my room and kissed my goodnight. After I changed I walked over to the bed Cameron was sleeping and I layers in it and wrapped my arms around him " JJ is that you?" Cameron said turning around I hugged him " Cam I'm so sorry I didn't mean anything I said ." I said crying into his chest " Its ok and I'm sorry, Love ya little sis ." he said kissing my forehead " Love ya too big bro, goodnight." I said drifting off to sleep " Goodnight." he said I smiled to myself I missed Cam.

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