Chapter 3: That's suspicious... that's weird.

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"Now that everyone has settled down," Professor Dumbledore announced, "Let me all tell you why we have guests today, in case you were deaf for the last couple months." A few scattered laughters from tables. 

"This year," he boomed, smiling merrily, "We'll be having the TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT!"

A loud round of applause, and some few of the Durmstrang students thumped their canes in approval. 

"I'll totally win this," an annoying voice sounded.

"Actually, Miss Bourgeois," Dumbledore answered, smiling, "Underage students aren't allowed to participate."

There was an immediate uproar that even covered Chloe's shrilled shrieks. I glanced over in annoyance and saw the blonde boy's head shaking at her. 

Huh, he can't be that bad if he wants her to shut up.

For some reason, my eyes glanced up at the table, where Professor Rossi was still absent. Over the past couple months, she had won the heart of almost all the students and teachers. Even Alya, who would normally be suspicious of a new teacher, had warmed up to her immediately after the older brunette Professor had a fun discussion about Muggle Studies. She never did anything wrong.

And yet, I couldn't bring it in myself to trust her. 

There was something there, I know there was, even though I couldn't prove it, and it felt like one of those reasons is the same reason why she wasn't here with us at that moment.

As dinner was served and everyone was seated and eating, the Durmstrang boy in front of me had finished eating and was staring at me.

"Uh, yes?" I mumbled after swallowing.

Why is he looking at me like that. Stop.

"It's just, uh," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I was hoping you could give me a tour of this place before we go to bed."

Alya snickered beside him, and while he didn't notice, she mouthed 'we go to bed' and then muffled her squeals of laughter. I cursed as I felt myself turning pink and glared at her, before smiling at the boy.

Ok I can't keep calling him 'boy'.

"Sure. What's your name, by the way? I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng," I said warmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng," he replied, his accent seeping out a little, "My name is Victor Krum."

"Wait what—" Nino poked his head to gape at him, "Victor Krum? As in the Quidditch star? Victor Krum?"

The boy—Victor— grinned a little, seeming more confident as he glanced at me, before looking back at Nino. "Yes, I'm Victor. Would you like an autograph?"

In any other situation, it would have sounded egoistic if it weren't for the fact that Nino was practically salivating and bouncing in his seat. 

"Yes!" Nino basically squealed, before shoving his cap and quill at him. As Victor signed his name, a little smugly, I was feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who you are—I just don't follow Quidditch that much," I shrugged apologetically. For some reason, this seemed to delight him and his eyes shone.

"That's alright. A relief, actually," said Victor, giving a short laugh, "It's refreshing. Hopefully we will get to know eachother, yeah?" He looked at me hopefully and I couldn't help smiling at him.

"We can leave now if you want, I'm full." It was true, I had eaten so much my robes felt tight.

"Perfect," he beamed, and got up, grabbing his cane. "See you, Nino, Alya," he nodded politely, before starting to stride towards the door. Some people were already leaving with the new school's students, presumingly for the same reason.

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