Sero x Mina & Deku x Todoroki

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It has been really stressful lately. Everything has, though working out and training has been a good stress reliever. It's been a long week, and Fridays are the easiest to deal with, which makes today a "relaxed" day, I know Aizawa Sensei only wants what's best, but I think he goes overboard sometimes.

Tomorrow I'll work out. I have to. I can't be too stressed out. No one really works out on Saturdays, besides the occasional people, but no one dares to work out close to curfew. That's why I do it. It also is relaxing so I could go to bed. Working out at night is fucking amazing.

I start doing my nightly routine. My skincare, brushing my teeth, and my hair. I listen to some songs while I do this, like usual. I finish up when I hear my phone 'ping'.

Shitty Hair
Hey BAKUBRO would u like too hang wit us btw dis kaminari akaka denki luv u bro

No. Im tired learn some grammer dumbass

I turn off my phone and go to lay down. I plug in my phone and turn off the lamp. I feel my eyes close.

I wish I never woke up.

I hear my alarm ringing and open my eyes. I shut it off and stretch my arms. I get up and start my morning routine. It's pretty much my nighttime routine, but it's in the morning.

God, I sound like Dunce Face.

I hate when people don't get ready in the morning, that shit is fucking annoying. Anyways, I get dressed in sweats and a baggy shirt. Who the hell wears jeans if they're not going out, even if you are going out, sweats are a million times better.

I finish up and leave my dorm. I lock the door and head down the stairs. I look through the cabinets and grab a granola bar. I head over to the common room and see that no one is there. It's getting closer to the time were most people stop being lazy and get up.

I head back to my dorm, wondering what I should do for the day. I unlock the door and lay on my bed, scrolling through some books on this app. I click on one and start reading it.

'Weird ass people. Who the fuck has a piss kink?!'

I've been in my dorm for most of the day. It's around 1:30 and I want to eat some lunch. I go to the kitchen to make some spicy ramen. As I finish, I see some idiots headed my way. I am not about to make these dumb bitches' food. Or worse, have to share mine. I think of the roof and head there.

As I am going to the roof, Aizawa Sensei stopped me. He looked at me confused.

"Why are you holding food? Where are you headed to?"

"I'm going to go eat lunch on the roof, stop getting in my business."

He finally stopped being confused and nodded.

"Can you check if Mina and Sero are there? They have multiple missing assignments. I given them until 12 to meet me. Kirishima, Denki, and Mineta also have to meet me."

I roll my eyes.

"Eh, why? I'll check but there probably on a date and heading back. Dumb idiots."

He changed his face and nodded. I watched him walk away. I personally think that this whole boyfriend-girlfriend, boyfriend-boyfriend, girlfriend-girlfriend, all that is crap. Shit. Turd. I continue walking to the roof. I climb the very unnecessary stairs.

I'm about to open the door when I hear... moans? Who the fuck is having sex?!

I quickly open the door to reveal a shirtless Alien Eyes. She's making out with Soy Sauce Face, and I see their tongues swirling. Sero then begins to unbuckle his and Mina's pants. I stood unsure about what to do. Was I supposed to speak? That's so embarrassing! So instead I stood there in shock.

Mina speaks but I can't make out what their saying. They continue when Sero flips Mina toward the door, right where I'm standing.

"Bakubabe- I..."

I just look at them.

"Nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. I was never up here. You guys never saw me. I need bleach."

Somehow my food landed on the floor, and I was running to the common room. I was mumbling curses underneath my breath as I reached the common room. Shitty Hair, Copycat, and Cheese Stalker were there.

"Mi Amor, Bakugo, you don't look well?"

They all were watching me.

"Yeah, Bakubro, you ok? You are all pale and red?"

I looked at him with confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Aizawa Sensei? Never mind, I need bleach."

They give me a look of confusion and worry as I sped away. Stupid idiots, I bet Aizawa cancelled because Mina and Sero weren't there. I think I'm blushing, holy shit. I reach my dorm and close it. I walk over to my desk and pull out my notebook and pen. I open to a new page and start to write this stupid letter.

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