Denki × Shinso(u)

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Bakugo POV: 
I woke up today. Yeah, that's all I did. I feel like shit. Why do these things keep happening? I know what I did was wrong but still! I don't deserve this. 

I get ready for the school day. I throw on my tie. "I hate fucking ties." I walked out of my room, heading to the common area. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. 

On my way to class, I had to use the bathroom. I'm going to be late I know but it'll be better. I open the door and... 

There's eyebags fucking dunce face in the mirror. "Oh~ you like that you slut?" Dunce face moans. "Daddy~ Faster~!" Eyebags looks into the mirror, saying something I couldn't make out. He stops moving. I put my finger to his lips hushing him. I mouth, 'I was never here, tell dunce face or I will' We've just been staring at each other I left as soon as dunce face was whining from the loss of movement. 

Fucking Hell. I make my way to class and as soon as I step in the caterpillar asks, "Bakugo, have you seen Kaminari?" 

Pikachu has been annoying me all day. I've been mostly ignoring him. Shitty hair and Earphones have been bugging me just to cave in. "No, you fucktards. I will never look at him again." "Why not?! Denki's ugly, we get that, but Bakuhoe just look at him!" Shitty hair laughs. "Shut up! Denki-bro isn't ugly! He's good lookin!" 

The doors to the common room open and walks in motherfucking Eyebags. "Yo! Eyebags, I got to talk to you." I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh, Sorry Bakugo. I have to do something first. I'll be back babe!" With that he walks away. "Asshole. Dunce face, I need to talk to you then. Considering with what your stupid ass boyfriend just did, I don't think you understand!" I grab his arm and pull him away from the others. 

I take him to the elevator. "Has he told you?" He stares back, obviously confused. "So, he hasn't? Bitch. You want to know?" He nods slowly. "Daddy~ faster! Oh, you like that you slut! Mmm! Ahh~" I replay the scene I walked in on, gagging at the end. "You... heard? I thought I was being quiet!" I shook my head no. "I walked in on you. You guys need to get a room. Preferably, his." The elevator dinged, meaning we were on my floor. I left without saying a word. 

Sorry for the short chapter! I honestly didn't know how to write this, but I totally will write better in the future! I've never written bathroom sex, so I didn't want to make it sound bad or weird. anyways this is dedicated to a reader who reached out to me! Thank you! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More will be out soon!! 


MomoJirou or Kiritestu? Or both? Let me know!!! 

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