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When the sun finally rose and the boys began to wake up ,they were in there normal beds.At the daycare.
Now this was strange how did they get here?
Beomgyu was first to wake up , Taehyun after him.

Beomgyu rubbed his eyes and hopped out of bed.
"Oh hey Tae..."He said in a sleepy voice.
Taehyun didn't respond, as he had just woke up."Why are we here..?"was the first thing he said.
"Not sure myself.."the older responded.

The two headed down stairs , they were greeted to Holland cooking breakfast.
"Oh good morning boys!"The oldest said , "how was ur sleep?"
"Pretty good" Beomgyu spoke.
"And you?"Taehyun added.

"Hm ya , i guess it was alright.I've been taking a lot of naps during the day.It's very..strange"
Taegyu looked at eachother.
"Whenever you guys go out to that garden I always feel so ..sleepy!maybe it's just some werid coincidence"Holland laughed.
Taehyun looked to the ground.

The sound of footsteps loudened the room.
"Oh Yeonjun!Goodmorning!"Holland spoke , turning his attention back to the eggs he was cooking once again.
"Morning guys.."He spoke , pushing his un-brushed hair back.

"Come"Taehyun whispered to the other two kids.
They followed him to the living room.
"Don't you think it's ..strange how he said he feels sleepy whenever we go outside?"
Yeonjun looked at Taehyun in confusion.
"Ugh ur find out when ur older."Beomgyu said , bumping the older boy.
Yeonjun looked at him , hurt.

"Soobin and Huening Goodmorning!"Holland greeted the two boys who were already clinging onto eachother as he turned off the stove.
Hueningkai let go of Soobin and rushed over to Holland , wrapping him in a big hug.
"I missed you "he frowned.

Holland hugged back ,"hm?did you really miss me that much just when you were sleeping!"He giggled pulling away from the hug.
"Have you guys been to that little town recently"They look at eachother.
"Well ..yes"Soobin spoke walking over to the others.

"Ide love to viset again sometime!"Taeseob chuckled as he placed there breakfast down on the table.
"Come eat"

Yeonjun , Taehyun and Beomgyu got up and went to join Hueningkai and soobin at the table to eat."look delicious!"Yeonjun exclaimed , digging into the meal.


"Oh em gee!!"
"He's missing!?"

Hueningkai rushed over to Beomgyu who was standing in the corner of there room watching this go down , grabbing his shoulders.
"You gatta help me find him!"He frowned , tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
All the older did was roll his eyes in response and began looking.

Soobin left the room for a moment , exploring into the hall way.He saw a room he wasn't familiar with.It looked like any other one of the door ,he figured nobody really used it since he could see the dust coming out from the other side .It wouldn't hurt if he just took one tiny peek, would it?
I updated!
Fun fact , it was my birthday on the 7th of January!
Anyway bye bye!Love you :)

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