15. Practise makes perfect

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The sun was beaming and Soobin and Yeonjun had just began there cross country training. They where sure to get heat stroke or bad sun burn if they didnt stay up to date with their health. There goal today was 5 laps , everyday they had trained they added a lap.

Sweat dripped down both there foreheads as they huffed and puffed along the field. School had got out no long ago and most where resting on a hot day like this. But there they where. "Soobin ah - wait up please! When did u get so good at running" Yeonjun puffed.

Soobin let out a tired giggle , "maybe all this training is paying of!"
Yeonjun smiled happy to see the younger enjoying something he also liked.
"Practice makes perfect!"
They ran for a couple more seconds before Soobin slowed down.

"Come on Bin where nearly there! Your doing great " Yeonjun encouraged looking back as he praised him. Now Yeonjun was taking the league. He was probably just out of breath as Soobin was but he didnt let it show.

Yeonjun felt a strong passion towards sports and wanted it to pay of . Maybe if he got so good one day he could sign up for a sports team. The heat was beginning to get to him and he felt himself slow down but he couldn't stop now. Maybe Yeonjun did feel like fainting any seconds but its alright. It all pays of in the end. Hopefully.
Seconds passed and Soobin was back in track.
Yeonjun heard a voice behind him call for him.

"Yeonjun- w-ait up!" Soobin puffed out of breath. The two where training for cross country right now and well , if it wasn't obvious enough Yeonjun was definitely much more infront after Soobin had to stop for a break.

"Where nearly at our goal Soob! One more lap-! AH-" Yeonjun abruptly fell over and skid his knee.
Soobin gasped and jogged that little way to the elder. Soobin collapsed on the ground and his legs way. "Oof-" "Yeonjun are u ok?" Worriedly Soobin called the supervisor over to come support his friend.

The supervisor shot them a quick glance and jogged over to them. "Everything ok here boys?" The elder asked bending down to there level.

"Yea i just skid my knee"Yeonjun replied not to stress about the situation. It did hurt like hell but he could hopefully push through. He wanted to look cool for Soobin.

"Can u stand up?" Soobin wondered offering the older his hand. When he tried to push himself up it felt like 10 times more pain had been added. He fell back down to his feet .

Maybe he didn't just skid his knee. 
"Get a nurse!" Soobin signalled to the Supervisor who was already on his way.
The sports track was surrounded by a forest. There was nothing unordinary about it , well atleast not at the moment there wasn't.

Soobin grabbed Yeonjuns hand and held it in his.
"Jun how much dose it hurt?" He asked softly.
"Probably on a scale of 1-10 a solid 7."
Soobin cringed just at the thought of the pain.

They saw the nurses in the distance and turned there attention to them.
They gave Yeonjun a stretcher to lye on as he got carried away. Soobin followed them worriedly.

Much to blind to notice the glowing sensation coming from the forest behind him.
But just because Soobin didn't see it dosent mean Yeonjun didn't either.

Yeonjun made a mental note to bring it up to the five when he was in a better state and they where all together.

This place is our start line
Our start line
The starlight of the day we saw together
Don't forget that night
You can't forget this place

A bit of a shortish chapter today im sorry.
Ive been busy updated my new book

A heart full of words

And ive also been trying to update this book aswel. Aslo you should definitely check out A heart full of words ;)

Until next time! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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