13. A day at school

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"Soobin ahh!! Wake up you will be late." Beomgyu shook the older trying to desperately wake him up but he seemed to not budge in the slightest.

Yeonjun came over to see what was going on.
"Dont tell me he slept in again!" The oldest rolled his eyes and shook the bunny looking boy violently.

"WHAT." Soobin growled covering himself with more the the blanket.
"Where ganna be late soobin if you dont get your ass up and ready!" Taehyun chimed on looking up from his phone.

"Yea where just ganna leave without you next time!" Hueningkai angrily sighed and grabbed his school bag.

Soobin rubbed his eyes and got out of bed , his school clothes where thrown at him and hit him in the face.


Around 10 minutes passed and Soobin was all ready to leave , luckily the dormitory was close to where there first period classroom was so they wouldn't have to rush to much.

"Soobin ur wearing my shorts!" Hueningkai complied , noticing the different color paint splashes on the bottom of the fabric before walking towards the door.

"Shut up kai! Just because your going through puberty doesn't mean you have to make me feel like im reliving it!" Soobin fought back , tying his last shoelace before standing up.

"Soobiniee don't be so mean our baby kai." Yeonjun comforted squishing Hueningkais bumpy checks.
Hueningkai wined.
Even though he had been hating physically touched recently he always loved it when it came from his favourite hyung.

Hueningkai and Yeonjun where like farther and son , younger brother and older brother. Yeonjun cared for him a whole lot.

"No time for arguing lets go!" Beomgyu cried opening the door and dragging Taehyun along with him.
"Or else me and Taehyunnie will leave you guys all alone."


At the threat the five existed the messy door room and headed to there class. First period they had english. It was almost like a free period for them as the teacher couldn't care less about the behaviour or education from the students.

5 minutes till the bell

The 5 had arrived just a minute before the bell rang. Their teacher was already settled in the classroom ready to do nothing but complete work that should of already been finished.

"I was waiting for you." Spoke the educator looking away from her computer and at the door.

"Yea sorry miss Soobin woke up soooo late today!" Beomgyu announced making the hole class burst out in a fit of giggles.
Soobin on other other hand didnt appreciate this. The boy made his way to his desk not forgetting to slap Beomgyu along the way.
The younger hissed at the sudden slap but soon got over it and went to sit down.

The teacher stood up from her seat and explained to the class that they had to continue working on the same sheet they were given yesterday.
Everyone ignored the older women and went back to doing there own things or gossiping with there friends.

Defeatedly the teacher sighed and went back to doing paper work. What did she ever do so wrong to be teaching a group of high schoolers? 

Taehyun skipped over to Hueningkai and peeked over his shoulder to see what he was doing, to his surprise the younger was drawing. The drawing seemed oddly familiar. Coloured rocks that stood out and veins hanging from every corner.

"Puberty really must be doing you some good." Taehyun complimented.
"Whats up with you guys always talking about how im growing up!" Hueningkai issued stealing his paper back.

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