chapter 1

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one day Dani-Ani was walking through the beach with her friend, Aquarium. They grew tired of walking so they found a bench to sit on. When suddenly, a seagull pooped on Dani's head! She was sooooo surprised at the sudden feeling of something on her head but she began to realize that she is in love with the seagull.

Then she made bird noises and called down the seagull to her lap and said, "I love you Seagull." in seagull language.

The seagull replied to her with more seagull words that mean, "I love you too Dani-Ani!"

Without notice, Harry Styles came out of nowhere and was going to propose when he saw the love of his life, Seagull cheating on him.

"SEAGULL, WERE YOU CHEATING ON ME!?", the low british voice asked while towering over them both.

"It's not what it looks like Harold. I can explain!", the seagull begging for another chance.

"I've had enough of this seagull. I thought we were meant to be... but i guess not."

At this time Aquarium and Dani were staring at each other in a confused but also scared way.

Harry plugged in his headphones to his phone and started blasting 'Traitor' by Olivia Rodrigo.

At the corner of his eye, he saw a girl sitting on the bench looking depressed. He quickly went up to her and asked her what was wrong.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.", the girl said.

Harry sat on the bench next to her and spoke in a low voice, "The love of my love, Seagull just cheated on me."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. What's your name?"

"Harry, Harry Styles.", he replied.

"Weren't you in One Direction?"

"Yes but then we took an '18 month' hiatus and never went back together."

"Oh, I loved One Direction's last song though. Like the one that goes 'You don't know you're beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful."

The boy smiled awkwardly and said, "That's our first song you idiot."

"Oop-  my bad."

"It's alright love.  Anyways do you wanna hear a joke?", the british man asked.


"Why did Adele cross the road?"

"I don't know. Why did she?"

"To say Hello from the other side."

Harry stared at the girl waiting for laughter but she didn't say anything.

Soon, she let out a awkward laugh and commented, "That was such a good joke Harry!"

"Thank you. Thank you.", he said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Anyways I think I gotta go."


"Uhmmmmm let's exchange numbers then." 

They exchanged numbers with the hope of seeing each other soon.

"I'm Aquisha by the way.", she said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Aquisha. See you later, Alligator."

They part their ways and Harry walks back to Dani to say, "I know that me and Seagull are over, but if you break his heart I will KILL you. am I understood?"

"Okay.", she said uninterested.

Harry walks away and Dani, Aquarium, and Seagull get up to go back to their house.



hey guys, i really worked hard on this so i hope you enjoyed it. 🥺

anyways have a wonderful day/night!

all the love,
your friendly neighborhood crackhead.

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