Chapter 3

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Third person's POV
Dudley stood up and the glass was back leaving him trapped. "Mum! Mummy!" Petunia screamed seeing Dudley, the twins began laughing at them. Vernon looked at them causing the twins to lose their smile. Eventually they got Dudley out, Harry pushed his sister behind him trying to protect her. They went home and got Dudley wrapped in a towel. Petunia and Dudley went to the living room while Vernon shoved the twins in, he grabbed Harry by the hair and Mia by her ear "ow" they both said "what happened?!". "I swear I don't know" Mia said and Vernon gripped tighter "one minute the glass was there and then it wasn't, it was like magic" Harry hated that his sister is getting hurt. Vernon opened the door and shoved them in and closed it, locking it "there's no such thing as magic". The twins stayed in there the whole day except bathroom breaks.

(Next day) it was the same routine, wake up, go to the kitchen and eat. Harry went to get the mail and saw 2 letters addressed to him and his sister, he went to the kitchen giving Vernon the other mail and stood by Mia. He gave her, her mail and Dudley saw and snatched them both "mum! Dad! Look they got letters!" "hey give it back it's ours!" Mia said."Yours? Who could be writing to you?" Vernon laughed and saw Hogwarts on the back. (5 days later) throughout the week more and more letters showed up, Vernon tried everything to get rid of them and ignore them not letting the twins read them. It was the afternoon on a Sunday, the twins had made some cookies and were handing them out in the living room. "Fine day Sunday, in my opinion best day of the week, why is that Dudley?" Vernon said, Mia offered cookies to Vernon. "Cause there's no post Sundays?" Harry said "right you are Harry. No post Sunday's, ha! No blast letters today" Mia and Harry went to the window seeing owls outside. They turned around as a letter flown at Vernon then hundreds of letters came in through the fireplace. Mia stared with her mouth open in awe while Harry looked shocked. While the others were distracted Harry got on the table to catch one and Mia grabbed one on the floor. When she grabbed one with her name, she looked at Harry confused on why he didn't do the same thing instead made it difficult for himself. The twins ran back to their room and Vernon ran after them, since Mia was behind Harry Vernon grabbed her. He held her back "they're our letters, let me go" Mia said, Harry stopped what he was doing and ran to them trying to pull her from Vernon's grip. "That's it, we're going away, far away, where they can't find us!" Vernon said. Eventually the letters stopped, Vernon threw the kids in their room "pack!" He yelled and locked them in, he cleaned up the letter throwing them out. After the family packed, they got in their car and went to a local hotel. They checked in for the night and got in their room. "Your sleeping on the floor" Vernon told the twins angry, the twins got as comfortable as they could but not much luck as they got no pillows, blankets, nothing. They all went to bed, Harry saw Mia shaking from coldness and took off his flannel putting it on her like a blanket.

(Next morning) the Dursley's went down to eat leaving Mia and Harry in the room. Soon they came back giving the twins 1 plate of eggs to share. While they were eating 2 letters flew in through the window leaving Vernon to have a breakdown "pack up!" He yelled. They all packed again, checked out and got back in their car. The whole day they were purchasing a tower in the middle of the ocean. It was 10pm when they got on their boat and headed to the tower. It took them 40 minutes to get there. They went in "Dudley your getting the couch, we'll take the bed, you two on the floor" Vernon said and him and petunia went upstairs to their room. Everyone unpacked, took 15 minutes then they started going to sleep. An hour later everyone was asleep except Mia and Harry seeing as in 5 minutes was their birthday. Mia was closer to the fire place since it was cold but they had a blanket this time. It was a stormy night and they were basically in the ocean. The twins were drawing a cake on the floor from the dirt saying 'happy birthday, Mia and Harry'. They finished and Harry looked at Dudley's watch as it turned 12am. "Make a wish" he said and they blew on the dirt, then 'boom!' On the door.

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