february 2

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At lunch, I stand outside the girls' bathroom and wait for Summer and the group of girls I asked to play the girls. I have a camera around my neck that I usually just take pictures with but plan on making the film with.

Ashley, a cute Korean girl in my math class, shows up first. Then Leanne, a girl from Utah that moved here last year and has a high status in social heirarchy. Then Mikayla, the fakest girl in school who got drunk and tried to palm me through my jeans at a party two months ago. And finally, Vanessa Pledge. AKA Vanessa Pledges to stay abstinent until marriage. She puts nearly nude photos on her Instagram to give guys jacking off material but wears cardigans and a cross around her neck to school.

"What's my role?" she asks me, putting a hand on my hip. I try to ignore it.

"You're playing S" I say, looking at the script even though I already knew that.

My hip is warm.

"Is S supposed to be SSSumer" she hisses the s.

"No," Summer says from behing her.

She has her bulky notebook tucked under her arm. Vanessa takes her hand off my hip and turns to her. My body temperature goes down a bunch and I let go of a breathe I was holding. She crosses her arms and clicks her tongue.

"Summer Tate," she fiddles with the cross on her neck ,"read the script. How sad."

Her voice is thick with sarcasm and scratchy from smoking cigarettes. Summer just looks blank as always. I don't think she's as sad as people have been making rumours about. There's something scary about her. The way her eyes bulge and get huge when she's surprised. Her hands are always shaking and you can see almost every vein in her eyelids. She's freaky.

"Allright, let's film," I say.

"Um, no," Summer says.

"What?" Vanessa snorts.

"She shouldn't be waering her Christian getup. I have this-" she pulls out an offwhite tank top from her bag.

"Okay, let me go change."

Filming goes well. As I film and Summer adds glitter and stuff like that, I realize something. Vanessa can't play this role. It's clearly something Summer should be doing. Even though Vanessa is in fact a great actress and all that, she doesn't fit the part. I don't say anything.

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