Chapter 3 :-)

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Above is Becca

Jessica's p.o.v
I was just finished my homework , well they said i didn't have to do it but i wanted a good start and Ella was looking devious
'You want to help me with a plan?' She asked
'Erm' i didn't know how weird her plans got but she dragged me down the stairs the guys were all gone to some place they talk about all the time and Becca was im detention and Liv was gone with the guys so we were the only ones here

She brought me into Luke and Ashton's room and it was locked and she just kicked it while wiggling the door knob and it opened

'So what exactly are we doing here ?' I asked
'Trashing Lukes things '
'Whats up with you two ? Are ye dating '
'OMG NO Ew 'she practically gagged but it was a bit forced and i wasn't convinced

I was wondering around and i walked over to Ashton's desk and saw a picture of when he was a kid i smiled and felt my heart thumping

I used to be friends with Ash when we were young and he was like my 'first love' but i doubt he remembers.

'FUCK ' i heard Ella shout from the bathroom

'What happened ?' I asked in a panic

'I spilled the glue'

'Why do you have glue?' I stood up slowly
Wtf was she doing

'Im putting it in his hair gel bottle thingy and in the hand sanitizer and i covered the bad of soap in clear nail polish so it wont lather' she said hurriedly cleaning up the glue.

'Oh wow er you guys do this everyday?'

Im not buying it no one puts this much time and effort into someone they 'hate'

Beccas p.o.v
This 'game ' thing was gonna be easy theres no way i can lose you don't just fall in love especially with Michael

We were gonna hang out in my room because liv was gone out with some guy so this was basically round one i guess.

I'm not gonna lie i was kind of nervous , we both hate losing , in fact cant stand it plus what if i do fall in love with him but he has a soft heart it shouldn't be to hard.

I exhaled before reaching to knock on the door and i hadn't gotten a chance before it was opened by him with Pokemon pajama pants on.

'Well Rebecca round one' he grinned

'Round one.' i answered back , his eyes sparkled so much in such dim light and I'd never noticed it until now.

'Okay ill start I really REALLLLYYYYYYY like video games ' he announced as if the hole house cant hear him at 6am

' i had no idea really ' he sat there staring at me and i felt awkward so i moved on

'I guess ill actually be the one to start errr when i was 6 i went good shopping with my mom and stole a lollipop but then i felt so bad i went back in and put it back' i said trying to think of things i hadn't told people

'Oh so you've been strange since you were six ? I see'

He's actually a lot of fun we spent a while laughing,talking ,eating and playing league and it was 9pm already so he left before Liv or Calum got back.

A/n I'm sorry for not updating I'm stupid and forgot .

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