Chapter nineteen

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LeeAnns pov
Wake up it's Christmas sky yelled at me and Nash. we both got up and I went to the gust room and got my presents that I got for everyone. I got downstairs and sat by nash by the tree. I have out all of my presents and I got some from nash mom and sky(Hayes is with his dad) me and Nash opened a present and he got me that I got him. I opened the rest and me and Nash went to his room.(I'll post the sweatshirts in the beginning)I had one more gift for him I went to his closet and when I turned around he had a extra present too.
"This was to special for anyone to see." Nash gave me the box and I opened it. it was a phone case and it had pictures of us on it. I have him a hug and gave him mine. it was a phone case that had pictures on it too. it's like we can read each others mind. I put mine in my phone and he put his on his phone.
"Do you want to go ice skating?"
We told Nashs mom and we went to the ice skating place not far from his house.
When we got there Nash said he had to go to the bathroom.
It had now been 4 min so I went over by the restrooms and I saw Nash kissing another girl. I ran all the way home and when I walked inside mom asked me what was wrong I to her and I also told her that I was leaving tomorrow. I went to the gust room and went to bed.
*the next day*
I got up and mom took me to the airport. I called matt.
Matt:hay what's up
Me:come get me from the airport
Matt:why I thought you were staying with Nash
Me:well he kissed another girl so plz come get me
Matt:be right there
*matts pov*
I have always liked leeAnn and now was my chance. but I could not believe what Nash did to her.
*LeeAnns pov*
I heard someone calling me.
It was........


Who was it? Anyway are u mad or naw. I thought that the story needs to be interesting so I basically made all of you mad.
Right now this book only has 11 reads(last time I looked) anyway I hope you like it. and if you have friends that love Magcon tell them to read this book Plz.

Bye llamas✌️👋

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