Tears Of Gold

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Luisa x Golden Angel Reader
I'll be using lyrics from 'Tears of Gold' by Faouzia

This story is recommended by AngelicaMelendez572

"Hey, you ready to meet Abuela?"

"Not really." you say looking at your girlfriend who was stroking your hair.

"Yeah, I'm not ready either."

We took a deep breath and made our way to Abuela. The rest of her family was out doing one thing or another so it'd just be me, the love of my life, and her grandmother. Perfect.

"So, you're the angle my Luisa has been talking about?"

"Yes, that'd be me."

"What makes you think you're good enough for her? For this family?"

"Well, I'm not sure what you the requirements are, but," I looked at the women next to me before turning my eyes to Alma, "I love Luisa. With all my being and I'd do anything to be with her. She means the world to me."

"But do you deserve her?"

"She/he/they does!" Luisa said holding my hand, "She/he/they makes me feel so happy and treats me so well. He/they/she's the only person I can see myself with!"

"But what struggles have you gone through to say that you can be apart of this family. I had to mourn the loss of my village, home, and husband. You angles wouldn't understand that. You make it your whole thing to show how perfect your lives are with your gold. So, what makes you think you're worth this family? "

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what you went through. I don't know what it's like to go through that. But just because I haven't gone through what you have, doesn't mean that I haven't had to deal with my own set of struggles!"

"You're too naive. What are your struggles? Tell me."

Naive. Yeah she said that too.

"My dad left. Just decided that me and my mother weren't worth anything then left us both behind one random day."

"And how do we know you won't do that to Luisa? Hmm?"

"I could never hurt anyone the same way he hurt me. I'd never hurt her like that."

"Luisa," Alma said, "You give away your trust too easily. You-"

"My mom had also said that I was too naive, 'gave away my trust for pennies'." I said interrupting her, "She never really cared about me. Only these golden tears I can make. And if she's taught me anything it's that you can't trust people. They can be cruel and make you feel awful for their own gain. I've been broken down and crying,asking for people to help me. I've been wrecked with my heart in dept and hurting and she'd come around to collect the tears that had fallen. "

"And I don't want Luisa to feel like that. I don't want you hurting her."

"I don't want her to be hurt either. I had given her everything and she would just collect my Pennies and Dimes. It was just plantnuim love. My heart was broke while she was rich. And the worst part was that I would have done it again. It would have never ended. Until Luisa saved me. Took me out of that cycle that hurt me so much and showed me the right way. I would never ask for your blessing to ask her to marry me if I knew that I was not ready. That I'd just hurt her m. Because of her I've healed. And now, after all these years, I ask you, Alma Madrigal, may I have your blessings to marry your granddaughter, Luisa Madrigal!"

"Well, that was quite a traumatic spill. Um, have you first asked her parents?"

"Yes, and they gave me their blessing."

"Fine. We'll have the engagement party tomorrow. Be ready and engaged by then."

I gave my girlfriend a hug as I thanked Alma and headed out. Me and Luisa held hands as we made our way to her mother's restaurant.

"Abuela said yes!" Dolores whispered. And immediately the whole family was giving us hugs and congratulations.

"Hold up guys, I still need to drop the question."

They quickly nodded as Camilo brought us to our seats.

"What can I get for you two lovebirds?"

"I'll get the surprise of the day." Luisa said, "And for you love of my life." she said giving my hand a squeeze.

"I'll get the same thing."

We talked, flirted, and giggled as we made our way through dinner and dessert.

"Now," Luisa said getting on her knees, and I got on mine, both of us holding a box with a ring in it.

"Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me Luisa?"

"Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me,    Y/A?"

We both giggled and said "Yes!" opening the box with matching rings as we put them on each other's fingers.

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