Chapter three

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Leo's Pov

I woke up feeling hot air brush over me I rolled over to see what it was, but when I did my face landed on something wet and rough. I jumped back with a yelp.

I looked to see what it was and it was a giant tongue, Noah's tongue.

He fell asleep with his mouth open.

I went up to him and I smacked his nose.

"Noah wake the fuck up" I yelled.

He slowly opened his eyes, he sat up and looked down at me.

"why is your hair wet?" He asked as he picked me up.

"because of you sir, I woke up and I turned over and I was met with your over sized tongue" I said as he tried to dry my hair off with his shirt sleeve.

"Its not coming out!!" he said in frustration.

"Hey calm down your are going to rip out my hair" I said as he started to wipe harder at my head.

He stopped and he went into the bathroom.

"Sorry, I think you are going to have to wash it out" he said as he turned on the warm water to the sink.

"That's a better idea then almost breaking my neck" I said as he put me down by the sink, he shut off the water.

"do you have anything else besides hand soap I can use" I asked as he went to go get a small towel for me.

"yea I have some lemon scented shampoo and body wash" he said as he put the towel down next to the sink.

He opened the shower and he took out a huge bottle of shampoo.

"how am I supposed to use that?" I asked as he put it down next to me.

"I could help you" he said as he grabbed the body wash as well.

"that's kinda weird" I said as I backed away from him a little, I don't know why I backed away but I did.

"come on its fine I won't even look at you" he said.

I trust him but its still going to be weird I thought to myself.

"ok fine just get it over with" I said as I started taking off my clothes, as I did so Noah looked away.

Once I was unclothed I got into the water.

"I am in the water now" I said as I got my hair wet.

"Are you ok" Noah asked.

"yea just get this over with" I said as I sat in the water.

Noah opened the bottle of shampoo and he put a little on his finger, but before he went to scrub it into my hair he stopped.

"I am going to touch you ok are you alright with that" he said as he kept his eyes closed.

"yes its ok" I said.

He slowly put his hand in the water he moved it around until he found me.

He put his hand under me.

"ok close your eyes I can't see what I am doing and I don't want this stuff to get in your eyes" he said.

I closed my eyes as he touched my head with his finger he slowly scrubbed the shampoo into my hair.

When he got all the saliva out of my hair he said.

"ok I am going to put you under water" he said.

I took a deep breath right before he pushed my body under the water he scrubbed the shampoo out of my hair and he took his hand out of the water.

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