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Finally, the dismissal bell. "Remember, your homework is to watch a documentary and write a paragraph over it. Enjoy your three day weekend!" Mr. Philza may be strict but he always gave out the easiest assignments. George packed up his bag, eager to get home and on his PC.

"George, I need to talk to you."

"Yes?" George sighed but trudged up to his desk. "You don't ride the bus do you?" George shook his head "No, I drive." George was thankfully a junior this year, so his parents let him have a car. "Good. Look," The professor took off his small, round glasses, "we both know you're extremely intelligent, but your grades suggest otherwise. As your seminar, your parents contacted me and requested that I sign you up for tutoring after school."

George's expression dropped. Every evening of his last two years of high school, gone. Just like that. "M-Mr. Philza, I swear, I can up my grades!" Mr. Philza rubbed the bridge of his nose "I'm sorry George, but this isn't my decision to make. Please don't be angry but it's out of my control. This is on your parents." George took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay, okay. I shouldn't blame you, got it." He slung his backpack over his shoulder "When does it start?"

"" Mr. Philza rose from his chair, picking up a bag of his own. "Your tutor will be in here soon. Your parents said your schedule was free, is that correct?" George frowned "Something like that..." Mr. Philza sighed "I'm really sorry George, especially during break." He left the classroom, leaving George to slump back down into his desk.

About 10 minutes went by before there was a knock at the open door "Mr. Philza?" George didn't look up, still scribbling on the desk. "He's not in here." A heavy huff of air left the boy's mouth "Do you know if he'll be back? I kind of have-" George sighed loudly, cutting him off "Look. His bag is gone. He's done for the day." George finally looked up at the boy who had been disturbing his silence.

He was pretty tall for a high schooler. Blond, sort of wavy hair and piss colour eyes. "Probably green." George accidentally whispered aloud. "Huh?" George blinked slowly "Sorry. Your eyes; are they green?" The boy nodded slowly "Yeah, they are. Why?" George shrugged "Colourblind. Your eyes look like piss." The boy scoffed, setting down his bag at a desk next to George. "Well that's not very nice." George laid his head down on the desk "It's true, though."

There was a heavy silence that probably felt awkward for the boy beside George. Not for him, though. He was currently too apathetic to care. His manners? Out the window. "So," George groaned internally, not ready for another round of banter. "you don't happen to be here for tutoring too, do you?" George looked over at him, nodding. "Ah, are you George Neffond?" The boy seemed to perk up a bit. Great. A perky tutor that George was probably going to be annoyed by. "Yes. Are you my tutor?" The boy nodded, extending a hand "I am! I'm Clay, Clay Waten."

George sat up and shook his hand. 'Be nice' he kept repeating to himself in his head "Biology. Algebra." Clay chuckled as he spoke under his breath "Telegraphic speech." George furrowed his brow "What?" Clay smiled "Oh I thought we were listing off things that you needed help with." George made a face of annoyance. "I cannot wait until this is over." Clay nudged his shoulder "Well that's better but c'mon, it's one week. Let's make the most of it. You got a car?" George nodded. "Good, 'cause I don't think the janitors want us here super late. Your parents already have my number and my parents' numbers so we're going to my place." George groaned but nodded "I park in the back so my car doesn't get door-dinged. Sorry for the long walk in advance."

Clay gave George directions when he needed to but other than that, he just kept t a l k i n g. George was almost at his limit with this guy and they hadn't even started studying yet. He pulled into the empty driveway, "No cars. Are your parents not here?" Clay shook his head as he unbuckled "No, they're at work and my car is in the shop." He smiled as he got out of the car, rushing to George's side of the car to open the door for him. "What are you doing?" George looked at him, bewildered. "Opening the door for you." Clay walked away digging in his pocket for his keys and unlocking the door. George shook his head as he locked his car and followed his new tutor.

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