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George showed up later than usual on Monday. Clay had gotten nervous and started pacing the room before the shrill of a doorbell rang through the house. Clay rushed downstairs, running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath before calmly opening the door. "Oh, hello." Niki scoffed as she walked in "You have a tempo boyfriend and now you think you're too good for me? I see how it is." Clay sighed, closing the door and heading back up to his room "No, it's not that, you know I love you." Niki playfully punched his arm "You better." She walked over and plopped onto her bed, looking around for a second before quirking a brow. "Yeah, he's not here. I haven't heard anything so that's why, ya know, at the door." Niki nodded "Well, that gives us time to talk then. So tell me what happened after I left." Clay sat on the floor in front of her, absentmindedly picking at the rug beneath him. "It was good. Nothing big happened obviously but he let me kiss his forehead."

Niki squealed, "That's so cute!" Clay chuckled "Yeah, it was. Although, when I asked when I could kiss him, he fuckin' jebaited me." Niki laughed loudly, "I mean he kissed my cheek but- stop laughing, this is serious!" Niki did not stop. She got louder, in fact. "He's being... ugh!" Clay covered his face "You're annoying, the both of you." Niki hugged his arm tightly, "Ohhh, you love me." The doorbell rang again and Clay nearly ran to the door. Niki chuckled and followed him, the door already open and George chatting away. Niki walked up and hugged George mid sentence "Yeah but I was- oh, hello." George hugged her back. "I've got to go but it was nice seeing you." She started for the door before Clay placed a hand on her shoulder "You don't have to leave Niki, you just got here." Niki waved her hand dismissively, "No no, it's fine. You two have fun!" She quickly walked down the sidewalk, making a sharp turn before waving goodbye.

Clay tilted his head before shutting the door "She didn't even hug me goodbye." George chuckled, heading to Clay's room "You'll be fine, little piss baby." Clay furrowed his brow, chasing George upstairs "Do not call me- do not call me a piss baby!" George laughed as he set his bag down "Well, objectively, your favorite color is piss." Clay shook his head, closing his door "It is not, it's green. Your eyes just don't work." George fake pouted "Low blow." Clay rolled his eyes "Well stop attacking me." George chuckled sitting up "Yeah? What, are you gonna stop me?" Clay approached him, smirking, "I can try." George narrowed his eyes, trying to stop his oncoming blush. "But, you said I'm not allowed to kiss you, so." George smirked smugly, "Then you can't." Clay sat in front of George on his rug, "Yeah yeah." He picked at the loose and frayed strands. "Why do you always sit on the floor?" Clay looked up at him "I dunno. I think it's a bisexual thing." George quirked a brow, about to ask further until Clay cut him off. "We should go on a date." George's eyes widened before he smiled "This better not be some elaborate scheme just so you can get the chance to kiss me." Clay waved his hand, "No, no no no no no, of course not! I just want to take my boyfriend to do something with just us. Besides 'tutoring'."

"Boyfriend..." George smiled softly as he looked down at his lap. Clay stood on his knees in front of George. "Yes, boyfriend. Boy. Friend. Boy that you date." George rolled his eyes, looking away "I know what it means. Idiot." Clay smirked, "You enjoy hearing that don't you?" George pushed him away, "You're so dumb." Clay laughed "You do! Should I say it more?" George scooted back on the bed "You're a pest." Clay scoffed, "You are so toxic towards me. One day in of dating and you already can't stand me. I don't think this is gonna work." He moved to lay next to George, who had pulled out his phone. They both lied on their backs as Clay watched what George was doing on his phone. "Stargazing." George opened his Spotify app, scrolling through a playlist. "What?" Clay looked over at him. "Stargazing. First date?" George clicked play on Lemons- Demo by Byre and looked over at Clay. Clay rolled his eyes, "I feel like this song has some relation to the prior conversation." George shrugged, turning off his phone and lying on his side to look at Clay. "Maybe."

"You're a brat." Clay narrowed his eyes at George, "Takes one to know one, smartass. Anyway, answer my question." Clay rolled over on his back, looking up at the ceiling. "It sounds nice. Random, but nice. We should go tomorrow." George's eyes widened, "T- tomorrow?" Clay nodded, looking back over towards him. "And we'll go out to eat somewhere beforehand." George brought a finger up to his mouth, nibbling it nervously. "George, you're the one who suggested it." George nodded "I know, it's just... I didn't think about it. It just sorta came out." Clay smiled softly, "We don't have to if you think that's too fast." George shook his head, taking a deep breath in, "No, that sounds great. I'd love to go on a date with you. Tomorrow." Clay smiled, sitting up. "Good. I was thinking we could go to the Pavilion. That rooftop bistro on the square." George sat up with him, "Is it expensive? It sounds fancy." Clay shook his head, pulling out his phone. "Nope. They have two dollar signs next to them in Google." George nodded, "Okay. So... how should I dress?" Clay looked George over quickly, "What you're wearing now is fine. Just something casual."
{Vote or whatever and follow bina.fics on Instagram. Updates for both stories on the same day? I'm spoiling you guys. Anygays, check out Sex With A Ghost if you haven't. Next part is the last and it's my favourite :)}
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