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"Hey, is Niki gonna be here today?" George stepped inside of the house as Clay closed the door, leading them to his room. "Yeah, I thought it'd be appropriate considering it was her idea." George nodded, stepping into Clay's room and waving to Niki, "Hey, Niki." Niki put down a big cookie on a tiny saucer plate and waved back, covering her mouth to say "Hello." as there was still cookie in her mouth. George set down his bag on the floor and sat on the bed next to Niki. Clay sat on the floor in front of them, crossing his legs as he looked up at George. They were both looking at him. George looked at both of them simultaneously, "Right, uhm, I want to... do it. I wanna try dating Clay."

Clay jumped up, punching the air once "Yes!" He turned to George, "I swear, on all things homosexual, that I will treat you so well." George laughed at his excitement. "I trust you, I trust you. So, are the labels just... normal?" Niki nodded, packing up her bag "Yep, boyfriend and boyfriend. I've gotta go but you guys have fun, and Clay, don't rush him." She pointed at him dangerously, Clay in turn raising his hands defensively. "Hey, everything is at his pace." Niki nodded slowly before turning to hug George "You tell me if he does anything, I'll set him out straight." George held back a laugh as he hugged her back, "Don't take away his sexuality just for me." Niki playfully punched his shoulder before leaving, flipping them off as she walked away. Clay chuckled before closing his door.

He turned back to George, walking towards the bed and sitting down. George looked at him in an awkward silence, a smile creeping up onto his face as Clay nonchalantly as he stared at him. "What- what're you doing?" Clay shrugged. "Just... admiring what I'd managed to catch." George scoffed, criss-crossing his legs, "You didn't catch me, I'm not a fish." Clay rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah, whatever. It's a turn of phrase." George shook his head as gazed back at Clay. He really was too handsome. "Now who's staring?" Clay smirked. George pushed him away gently. "You're such an idiot." Clay laughed, only leaning closer to George "Oh I'm an idiot now?" He laughed, causing George to laugh as well. "Yes! A big one, the biggest, even." Clay rolled his eyes, "Of course I am."

They fell back into silence— a little more comforting than before, though. George sighed softly "Sooo, what now? What do you do in... relationships?" Clay chuckled "Right, you've never dated anyone. Well, we're taking it at your speed. I don't really have any boundaries so we'll just go with yours." George bit his lip, thinking, "But I don't know what my boundaries are." Clay sighed and nodded, "Ya know, that is true. Well, do you mind if I test them for you? See where you're comfortable?" George hesitated before tilting his head slightly "You're so blunt and straightforward." Clay shrugged, leaning forward and placing his hands on the bed, at either side of George's waist "I don't like to waist time." George leaned back with him, looking up into his eyes. "What're you..." Clay raised a hand to hold the side of George's face and jaw "Is this okay?" He spoke quietly, his tone completely shifting to be soft and tender. "Yeah, this is okay."

Clay bit the corner of his lip softly "Ya know, I've been meaning to get closer to you for a while." He slowly stroked George's cheek with his thumb. George swallowed shallowly, staring up at Clay as he looked back, averting his gaze every once in a while to look at the features on George's face. "What do you mean?" Clay sighed softly, the sweet smell of pineapple chapstick barely registering in George's sense. Clay retracted his hand and sat up. "Well, I've seen you at school, in the halls. I always thought you were cute and wanted to get to know you. Usually I have no problem walking up to people but I was really hesitant with you for some reason." George breathed in deeply as he sat up, taking in the woodsy scent of Clay's cologne. God, he just smelled really good. "Ah, well you should've. Well, maybe not. If you asked me out, I would've panicked and ran away probably, since I didn't, ya know." Clay nodded "Well I'm glad I waited then." He looked at George's forehead before looking back in George's eyes. George looked at him, confused, before Clay held his jaw again and leaned in to kiss his forehead.

George was a bit star-struck. "...what was that for?" Clay shrugged, dropping his hand again "I just wanted to. I figured you wouldn't want to kiss me yet so I thought that'd suffice. It's okay, right?" George nodded "Yeah, it's okay. Do you..." he bit his lip, thinking before taking a deep breath in, not letting it out. "Do you want to kiss me?" Clay nodded surely, looking George in the eyes "Very much so." George's mouth twitched up into a soft, slightly mischievous smile, "I should get going." Clay scoffed "Okay that was- that was messed up." George giggled as he scooted off the bed and picked up his backpack. "Are you really going?" Clay moved so that his feet were planted on the floor. "Yes, I actually do have to go, my mom told me to be home earlier than usual for some reason." George headed for the door, Clay trailing behind him. He opened the door and watched as George started to walk away, "Hey, when... when can I kiss you?" George turned with a smile. He walked back to Clay, holding his cheek in his hand before kissing said cheek. "You'll know."

Clay sighed with a smile, a wave being shared between them before he closed the door. He leaned against the door, covering his face with his hands. "Oh my god..." he chuckled quietly.
{Vote or whatever. I'm writing a smut sequel to this. Might finish it, might not. It's like about that chocolate that's been going around, Tabs? Y e a h. Should be interesting if I actually finish that.}
1,050 words

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