Business In The Locker Room

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"This is disgusting," I murmured, thick British accent, like always, causing my friend Gilbert to laugh as helped me out, "Seriously."

"The awesome me would have had this handled in two minutes!" Gilbert said, flashing me a grin. Since he's albino, the white smile that would be blinding on another's person face just blended into his skin color, making him look a bit weird.

"Well, I haven't been an Omega for three months," I snapped, wiping my hands on a towel as we threw the dead body into a supersized trashcan, "There. That's taken care of."

"Man. It reeks!" Gilbert said, peering inside the trashcan with a look of distaste, "You would've thought we'd be used to it by now.

"Apparently not, even with you for a friend," I sighed, looking down into the trashcan, but at that moment another moan filled the locker room and we both turned slowly to face a dead man.

"A DEAD MAN?!" You're probably shrieking.

Why yes. A dead man. A walking, talking dead man that was currently lumbering towards us with his arms outstretched and his clothes hanging off of him in bloody tatters. Really, this is the second we've encountered in five minutes, so it's actually pretty ridiculous.

On instinct we got into fighting position, and Gilbert lunged forward first, tripping the dead man over. The dead man fell to the ground but reached up, grasping my ankle sharply.

Swiping my hair brush from the top of the counter, I brought it down on his head and the hair brush snapped in half, leaving a dent in the dead man's head.

Well, I'm not ever using that again.

"Over here!" Gilbert taunted the dead man. The dead man turned and lumbered towards him, and I tossed the broken pieces of my hairbrush-or, what used to be my hair brush- and grabbed a long, rod that was used to hang shower curtains. Bathrooms are strangely convenient when looking for weapons to fight the undead. 

A split second later, with my handy pipe, the dead man was really dead. Gilbert looked up at me and grinned.

"Well, yay. How about some pizza?"


A very short chapter, but it's kind of the prologue! The first (official) chapter shall hopefully be out soon!


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