prolouge part 2

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This occurs during episode 9 when Tommy and Zoe look for meat apples btw (also don't hate me for using English names it's just easier)

Zoe,Tommy Bokomon and Naemon were looking for the meat apple tree. They have been looking for about 10 minutes. "The tree can't be that far can it?" Zoe asks annoyed. "We have to be close by now" Tommy says optimistically at the thought of actual good food even if it is in the shape of a apple. They soon find more meat apples on the ground and they follow the trail. "If we just follow these meat apples we should be at the tree" Bokomon says and the group starts running. After about 3 minutes of running and Naemons complaints they reach the meat apple tree and it was big not gigantic but it was bigger than your average tree and it had alot of meat apples on it. "Wow look at all of those those apples" Tommy says amazed. "There's enough to feed everyone and probably even have room for seconds" Zoe says excited.

The 4 grab as many meat apples as they could fit in their arms. They begin to walk back when Tommy notices something in a nearby bush. It looks like a boot with claws at the end. "Hey guys look over there" Tommy says pointing to the boot. The others look over. "It looks like someone's boot though I have never seen one like that before" Zoe says. Bokomon looks at it and he has a feeling he has seen it somewhere before. They put down their apples in a small pile in case of danger.

Zoe and Tommy slowly approach with caution even though Tommy can spirit evolve if needed they still wanted to be careful. They brush away some bushes and they gasp. In front of them was a unconsious digimon. It had a black jackey with fur on top and pants with belts on them,it had a tail and it had a helmet on its head that sort of resembled a bird. What caught their attention was the 2 guns that were on the sides of its legs. They looked pretty beaten up the only way you can tell it was even alive was the rise and fall of its chest.

"Hey its a digimon. Bokomon do you know which digimon this is?" Tommy asks curious but also concerned for the unconsious digimon. Bokomon looks like he is about to have the digimon equivalent of a heart attack. "Bokomon are you ok?" Zoe asks curious at bokomons behavior as they have never seen him this scared.  "We need to run now" Bokomon says backing away before starting to run back to where the others were. "Why what's wrong?!" Zoe yells at the running digimon but he is too far away to hear.

"Hey Naemon why did bokomon say to run? What's so bad about this digimon?" Tommy asks naemon confused. "Don't know let's wake him up and ask why" Naemon says approching the unconsious digimon before Tommy stops him. "Uh naemon maybe we shouldnt do that until we know what digimon this is " Zoe says. They were about to approach when the others run over with bokomon who was demanding to go back.

"Hey guys what are going here? I thought you guys were collecting firewood and starting a campfire?" Zoe says confused. "Well we were" Jp says rubbing the back of his head. "Until we saw bokomon screaming at us to run, so we though you guys were in trouble" Takuya says holding out his d-tector ready to spirit evolve if needed. The 3 look around and don't see any dangerous digimon so they wonder why bokomon was so scared.

"We found this unconsious digimon and that's when bokomon got scared. We don't know why he is though" Zoe says pointing to said unconsious digimon who somehow still isn't awake from the yelling. The guy's look over to the digimon and while it does look intimidating it doesnt look like something to make bokomon this scared.

"Just who is this digimon" Koji says eyeing the digimon with caution should it just be faking being unconsious. Bokomon who was hiding behind Jps leg slowly walks out still scared but is slowly calming down. "There is a reason I said to run. This is beelzemon a very dangerous digimon and one of the seven demon lords" Bokomon explains. "Uh what are the seven demon lords exactly" Takuya says not liking the sound of that title. "The seven demon lords are seven digimon who rule over the dark area of the digital world. Each digimon represents a different sin,Beelzemon represents the sin of gluttony and his title is the Duelist of finality. The demon lords are some of the strongest digimon known as every member can easily take down digimon like cherubimon without much effort if at all, so you can see why I ran away screaming for my life" Bokomon explains crossing his arms.

The gang look aprehensive at this information if the demon lords are as trong as bokomon says they should be very careful with what they do. "If they are so strong then why does Beelzemon look so beat up" Koji says wondering what could cause that damage to a demon lord. "I dont know, I could only guess it could be another demon lord. Well you guys have your demon lord lesson let us leave before beelzemon wakes up" Bokomon says walking away.  "Wait shouldnt we help them?" Tommy says feeling bad for the beat up demon lord. "Are you crazy?! Only a fool would wake up a demon lord!" Bokomon yells. "We can't just leave them here hurt!" Tommy argues not wanting to leave the hurt digimon even if it was a demon lord.

The others are about to argue when Beelzemon groans and shifts. The group turn their heads to him and get out their d-dectors ready to fight well except for one. Tommy runs over to help the digimon in pain. They groan in pain again and attempt to sit up and manage to do so albeit slowly. "Woah you need to be careful" Tommy says trying to make sure Beelzemon didn't hurt themselves any further. Bellzemon opens their 3 eyes and look over to see Tommy looking at them. They seem almost shocked to see him and they look down at their body as if seeing it for the first time. "What happened" They say with a accent. A question they don't have a answer to.

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