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Apologies for being short they will get longer I promise as after this I will be going off the episodes

Well this is fan tucking fastic I'm in Digimon frontier and to top the icing on the cake I'm a damn demon lord,one of my favorites belphemon will always be my favorite but beelzemon is second favorite.

I look around at the kids and I can tell some of them are a bit apprehensive about me I mean I am a demon lord after all,well in the body of one anyways. "That's what we would like to know we found you unconsious"   Takuya says looking at me. "Yeah your hurt really bad" Tommy says making me realize that yeah I'm in a lot of pain,if you wondering how I'm just noticing I have always had a high pain tolerance. Well I can't just outright say 'Hey I died and was turned into a demon lord. Oh and by the way you guys are a TV show where I come from' yeah they would probably think I'm crazy.

Well time to play the bullshit card my favorite one. "I honestly don't remember much of anything. Last thing I remember was being in pain and then the next thing I knew I was being woken up by you humans" I say with my new voice that is going to take a while to get used to. "So you have amnesia" Zoe asks curious. Yeah amnesia let's go with that. "Guess so I should thank you kids for helpin me who knows how long I would have been unconsious for. If you need anything from me just say the word" I say being truthful about being thankful.

Bokomon for some reason has a weird glimmer in his eye as if he just got a idea. "Well why don't you stay with us until you get better of course" Bokomon says and the others look at him like he was crazy. "You mean like a bodyguard? Sure I don't mind" I say shrugging my shoulders only to instantly regret it from the pain.

"Hey bokomon can we talk to you for a moment in private" Jp says before grabbing bokomons arm and walking away with Koji,Takuya and Zoe following. I try to get up only to fall down in pain. Jesus almighty does my body hurt what the hell happened to it. "Woah you got to be careful" Tommy says trying to lean against me to stop me from falling again which is a bit difficult as I am currently 8 feet tall. I do manage by grabbing onto a tree with my new claws. I get a bit of vertigo from the new height but I manage to stay standing. 

"How about we take you back to our camp we have a bunch of food maybe it can help you get better" He says smiling. I'm so protecting that smile. I smile down at the kid "Sure just lead the way kid" I say and he goes back to get the meat apples and grabs as many as he can but there were still some left so I grab the ones left despite my arms protesting. "Woah it's ok the others can grab the others you don't need to hurt yourself more" Tommy says concerned for me.

"Its fine I can handle this" I say we soon make our way back to the campsite and we put the apples in a pile.

3rd pov

Meanwhile with the others

"Why did you say that?!" Jp says understandably upset. "Think about it Jp Beelzemon has amnesia and says they will repay us however they can" Bokomon says. "And what does that have to do with anything" Takuya says not getting it. "Think about it when they get back to their normal strength they would be a force to be reckoned with and the other legendary warriors would think twice about going after us." He says making a good point. "That is a good idea but what if they betray us" Koji says thinking the demon lord has alterior motives. "I don't know why but something tells me they wouldn't just call it a hunch" Bokomon says. "Well we could probably take them on anyways with how injured they are so we don't need to worry right now" Takuya says.

"Fine but we need to keep and eye on them to make sure they don't try anything" Koji says not wanting to take any chances. The others nod and they soon make their way back to the campsite.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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