No Endings End Well (PART 8)

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HeyyYyYy everyone!! I got this one pre-written along with 9 and 10 so they will be posted very very fast!

Same warnings you know the drill <3

Milk awoke to Yam softly snoring and made sure not to awaken him(Which he never does). Yam awoke with a yawn once more "Well..Good morning..Wanna go for a walk?" Milk asked while running his fingers through Yams hair "Your hair is very thick...You should brush it or something.." He said, still running his fingers through Yams hair "I haven't brushed it in awhile..I should." Yam said "Hmm..If we're gonna go for a walk we should get out of bed." Yam added "But in the kingdom.Not in the forest." Yam added once more "Alright alright I know." Milk said getting out of the bed.

Milk took Yam by the hand as they started walking through the kingdom. "Why don't we see what Clover and Licorice are up to?" Milk said as he walked with Yam towards Clover's cookie house. As Milk knocked on the door a little mushroom like cookie opened the door. "Hello Poison Mushroom Cookie! May we come in?" Milk asked as he greeted Poison Mushroom Cookie "Yesss you can..Cloverrrr and Licorice isss..In the room thinggyy.." Poison Mushroom said as Milk and Yam stepped in. Poison Mushroom pointed to a door with green stripes on it Theyy said not to disturrrrb..What does disturb mean?" Poison asked, looking at Yam. Milk gave Yam a nudge "O-Oh- Uh it means like- Don't mess with them or like don't bother them- Andddd I think I know the reason." Yam said looking at Milk awkwardly "Ohhhh? Whyyy??" Poison Mushroom asked, "You have much to learn." Milk said, patting Poison on the head "I think we should go-'' Yam started to speak but was interrupted by Clover stepping out "Oh! Hello! Let me guess. Mushroom let you in?" He said putting his hat back on "Yes they did but we didn't mean to like uh- You know- Interrupt you and Li-'' Milk was interrupted by Yams hand being placed on his mouth "Actually..We just came to say hello and that's it." Yam said as he pulled Milk towards the door and left.

Milk and Yam kept walking through the kingdom. They visited a few shops and went by the bridge above the waterways of the kingdom when suddenly Yam fell into the waterway area that wasn't closed off. Milk Cookie burst into laughter "You fell in?! I thought you saw the waterway RIGHT there!" Milk said, still laughing as Yam pulled himself out of the water "Shut up!" Yam yelled while laughing a bit himself. "Shut ittt!" Yam said annoyed as he wiped off the water from his face with his hand. Milk Cookie's laughing turned into soft giggles "Sorry but that was funny." Milk said, taking off his scarf and handing it to Yam. Yam looked down at the new scarf Milk had worn today "Why'd you wear one from your costume?" Yam asked as he put the scarf around his neck. The scarf smelled like Milk Cookie himself but Yam didn't mind...He liked the way Milk Cookie smelled. "Oh because my other one still has blood on it." Milk responded and took Yam by the hand "C'mon. Let's get out of here. Too many waterways." Milk teased "Rightttt" Yam said, annoyed and handed the scarf back to Milk.

Once they got home things became silent. Neither of them said a word for several minutes when suddenly Milk spoke "Sooo what do you want to do? There's still a lot of time to kill." He said looking at Yam. Yam thought for a minute "Hmm..I'm not sure..I'm bored though." Yam said "Oh- You're still wet- Aren't you gonna dry off?" Milk asked looking at Yam "Nah it'll dry soon.At least I hope." Yam said, looking down at the ground. Milk took off his scarf which was brown instead of white (The costume Mont Blanc had made him last year sure did come in hand) and threw it onto Yams lap "I'm not letting you fall apart. Now dry off." He said walking upstairs. Yam stared at the scarf before putting it around his neck and held it close to his face.Milk walked upstairs and remembered the book with the "evidence". He looked through a couple of the pages and almost started to tear up "This is going to break his heart...But he should know the truth.." Milk thought to himself as he ran down the stairs with the book in hand.

Milk walked over to Yam who was asleep on the couch and had Milks scarf around his neck. Milk tapped Yam which easily awoke him since Yam was such a light sleeper "Hey uh..I think you should see some of the things in this.." Yam sat up, took the book,and opened it to a random page..But out of all of them..He turned to the worst one..The page read: "I never really loved Purple Yam...I mean he's a pretty nice guy to be with but...It was more of a "Get-and-go" situation...I've been thinking of joining the Cookies Of Darkness- Something- Better for me..I know I'll regret it but..It seems better than sitting around arguing with him..It's better for us both..I know it."

Yam was in tears.He had no words for the pain that just hit him.Milk tried his best to calm down Yam but it was no use.Milk had never seen Yam in such a painful state- Sure he's seen Yam cry but- He had never seen him yelling and crying at the same time...Screaming curse words followed by "Dark Choco"..Tears running down his face...Yam had never been this way actually- He's been angry and sad before- But never at the same time- Milk hugged Yam tightly and Yam hugged back with less anger but more sadness "Shh...It's alright..You're okay.." Milk said calmly "I-I didn't know..I-I.." Everytime Yam tried to speak, more tears ran down his face. "I see you have my scarf on..You should keep it..It looks good on you." Milk said, trying to calm Yam down once more "O-Okay..Thanks.." Yam said hugging Milk tight to the point where he could barely breathe "Stop hugging me so tight..It's okay.." Milk said calmly. Yam stopped hugging Milk entirely. He felt defeated.Suddenly Milk became brave and placed a kiss on Yam's lips which shocked Yam but didn't stop his waterfall of tears. "Milk..Thank you..Y-You were a good friend..And you're the best boyfriend I could ask for..You always find ways to make me feel good even when I'm sad..Thank you..For everything.." Yam said with tears still running down his face.

Yam couldn't sleep that night. His head was filled with the page contents. Even the thought of the page- The book even- Made him tear up but he has Milk now. He cares about Milk and Milk cares about him. He felt Milk holding him but he couldn't stop crying "Yam..You've been crying all night..." Milk said as he kissed Yams cheek "I-I know..I c-can't stop...It feels like I-I'm...I-I..I can't describe i-it..It feels horrible..Like I just got crushed i-into a bunch of pieces..." Yam spoke with worn out tear covered eyes."Yam..It's okay...You know I'm here for you...I always will be.." "P-Promise..?" "I promise.."

No Endings End Well - A Purple Yam x Milk Cookie Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now