Ashamed of your #1

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Uraraka was laying back on her bed after she had finished her "assignment". She stared up at the ceiling, using the blank space above her to play contrasting flashes of what had just happened. 

That had been intense. And also so unreal. His voice had settled into her in a way that made her feel safe and eager to explore herself with him. It didn't make any sense. It was Bakugou. The boy who screamed. And got into fights. The boy who almost killed her at the sports festival. Irrational and reckless Bakugou. 

But he seemed so rational, and calm. In control in a way that didn't require power or violence. Just trust. Just discipline. Just patience. She was having such a hard time rationalizing the boy she had met 2 years ago with the phone call. 

Even now she could still feel the effects her own hands had on her body after his guidance. And it was fueling her. Causing her to ache. She wanted more of whatever this was.

He had given her control of everything and simultaneously taken the lead. He trusted her to trust him. 

She didn't want anyone to know she liked Bakugou. Pining after the violent boy would worry her friends and they would try to make him more appropriate to be with. But she didn't want him to be any different than he had always been. Strong, passionate, full of determination. Unwilling to go easy on someone weaker because they are deserving of him always giving his all. Just like at the sports festival. 

He would be the number one hero. And she had adored every bit of watching his ambition. He didn't need anyone distracting him. She wanted him to succeed. Even if that meant they would never be together. That's why she had been trying hard to squash her feelings for him.  

She wouldn't tell anyone. For his sake. And she definitely wasn't ready for things to physically begin just yet. But she wanted more of what he would give her. Every aspect of this new game they were playing was exhilarating. 


Uraraka had texted him 20 minutes ago saying that she was done with her assignment. He hasn't responded.  Kirishima and Kaminari had showed up with Sero and they were forcing him to go out to lunch. 

Him and the "squad" were going to an arcade and the last thing he needed was to pitch a tent in front of his annoying ass friends. Pinky and Ears were waiting for them at the dorm entrance. When they walked up on the two girls he could overhear them talking to each other.

"Honestly, I wish Raka would just tell us who it is." 

"Seriously. I can't believe she was brave enough to do that."

"What are you extras gossiping about?" He interjected.

The girls jumped. 

"Oh nothing bomb boy. Just some drama from our girls' night last night. You wouldn't be interested". Mina said with a coy smile 

"You don't get to tell me what I'm interested in, Pinky." He growled. Clearly annoyed. 

"Fine. One of our friends has a crush but won't tell us who it is. So we tried to get her to tell us during truth or dare. But she decided to stick with the dare to avoid telling us…."

"What was the dare?"Bakugou asked, trying to sound bored. 

"She had to um," the girls glanced at eachother not willing to expose the sexual component. "She had to start messaging her crush." Jirou said quickly. 

He tried to stay nonchalant.They said earlier they were talking about Uraraka. She had texted him last night. Did that mean….?  Elation swirled through him. He had been in love with Uraraka since last year's sports festival. He swallowed down his excitement hoping for more information. 

"And?" he said, this time trying to sound impatient. 

"She did and I guess he's messaging her back. She was a little spaced this morning. 
We honestly thought she'd chicken and just tell us so we could finally help them get together. She doesn't have a date for the gala yet. But she just wont let us know."

She's stronger than anyone thinks. She definitely wasn't going to back down from a pussy dare like that. He was surprised by the warmth and pride that was filling him. 

"Maybe she's ashamed of him," Kaminari butted in immediately souring Katsuki's mood. "He could be ugly, or stupid. Or just a giant loser." 

"Are you saying you're the crush, Pikachu?"
Bakugou snapped.  The people around them laughed.  He looked over at the two girls. 

"You were right,  I wasn't interested. "

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