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I hear from behind me. I was about to turn when someone leaps onto my back.
"BOO!" she yells.  " scared me. So much." I say sarcastically.
She smacks my arm, "You took theater. You could at least act scared!".
She looks at me and pouts. I can't breathe. "Fine, fine. I'll act super scared next time."
I roll my eyes at her but smile. Her pout quickly turns into a smile once I say that. I love seeing her happy.
We head to our locker to get our books. We've shared a locker since the middle of sophomore year. We had most of the same courses, just at different times, and anyway after class I'd go straight to her locker to wait for her and then together we would go to mine. Eventually we just decided it'd be easier if we shared.

"Did you finish the Psych homework we had last night?"
"Yeah, it was absolutely brutal for me. I mean, it was A LOT."
She scoffs. "It was 2 pages.."
I looked at her with wide eyes, "THATS A LOT FOR ME!".
She leans her head back and laughs. She shakes her head and decides to change the topic to her Chinese exam, which she claims she's going to "fail". I look at her start in the eyes and say,
"You are Shay Auo. You are one of the most smartest people I know. You will pass that test because 1. You are awesome, 2. You are smart, and 3. You're fricking Chinese! ".

She hugs me and says," For a second there I thought you were gonna say.." "You is kind, you is smart, you is important!", we practically yell because we are so excited that we thought and said it at the same time. After we went to our locker and got a AP US history book (mine) and a Chinese book (hers obviously) I check my phone. "We've got 23 minutes until class starts. Wanna go to Grey's? ". She looks at me and groans like she doesn't want to but I know her better than that. "I'll pay." I tell her. She instantly perks up and smiles. She hugs and kisses me on the cheek. "You're the best! I love you." She says. If only you actually did..

She takes my hand and we walk out to my car, a dark blue 1954 Volkswagen Beetle. As we drive out of the parking lot, my favorite band plays.
"Hell yeah man! Social Distortion! I hardly ever hear them on the radio."
I see her in the corner of my eye staring as I sing along. "Reach for the sky 'cause tomorrow may never comeeeee!!!!". Honestly I sound like a dying cat but I couldn't care less now. With Shay, I can be myself. I don't have to impress her or anything. She accepts me for who I am and that's what I love about her. She starts to sing with me.
"You can run, you can hide just like Bonnie and Clyde, reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come..."

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