Chapter 119

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Chapter 119:

    Ye Mi is now in graduate school, and the graduate degree is too unfamiliar to the villagers. Ye Laosan's family did not hold any further education banquets, nor did they tell outsiders that Ye Mi was admitted to graduate school. Knowing that Ye Mi has now In the secret matter of becoming a graduate student, there is only Ye Laosan's family in Daliushu Village.

    Graduate students are different from college students. They can live outside by themselves. Ye Mi has moved to his own courtyard. The courtyard was re-planned and designed by Xiao Chuanyan invited by professional designers. There is sufficient space and all kinds of equipment are the most advanced Yes, I also hired a nanny, which is much more comfortable than living in a university dormitory. When Ye Yu came to the door, Ye Mi was trying to figure out a lot of data that had been sorted out. Ye Yu glanced at it, quite surprised.

    "Research report on the development prospects of network technology?" The

    Internet is something that anyone who has experienced the benefits of it will not be able to easily forget it. Ye Yu can think of several uses of the Internet in minutes, what social software? , shopping websites, online card draw krypton gold games, and the Internet are all good things that make her unforgettable. As she grows older, her family's living standard is getting better and better. Her current life is everywhere except before she crossed. The network is no different from before crossing, even much better than before crossing.

    When she saw this word suddenly, a hundred ways of using the Internet flashed in her mind. The male and female love that she wanted to consult Ye Mi was instantly thrown behind her head, and Ye Yu also picked up a copy.

    She read the report carefully, looked at the various bold imaginations in it, and sincerely expressed her admiration: "Sister is amazing." There was a bit of nostalgia in her tone, which made Ye Mi feel a little surprised.

    The Internet has not yet become popular in China. Even she was only exposed to this concept for the first time when she accompanied her tutors on an overseas study tour, and she was shocked by the various bold remarks made by foreign experts.

    It took her two full days to digest those bold remarks, but listening to her sister's tone, she seemed to be very familiar with the Internet and had some opinions, and she was quite curious.

    "Does Yuyu have research on things like the Internet?"

    "It's not much research... I just read some things related to the Internet." Ye Yu roughly flipped through the pile of data and put them on the table again, "It's sister, why are you suddenly right? This thing is so caring?"

    Ye Mi knew that her younger sister had been fond of strange things since she was a child, and she had always behaved differently from her age, so she had no doubts. Hearing Ye Yu asking this, she smiled and held up the cup. He took a sip of the hot tea and asked Ye Yu, "Does

    Yu Yu know what a foreign country is like?" Ye Yu really didn't know.

    She knew what foreign countries were like before she crossed, but she didn't know what foreign countries were like at this time, nor what their development level and development speed were, so she shook her head honestly.

    Ye Mi blew the tea leaves on the tea water with deep eyes.

    "When we were still popular with public telephones, they had popular home phones, one number per house, automatic transfer; when we were still proud of having a bb machine, they already had mobile phones there. ; We haven't heard the name of the computer, but their per capita purchase rate is almost the same as that of our TV, and they already have a lot of games... I attended the speech they organized and listened to it. Where did they dare to imagine..."

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