Harry Potter's introduction

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I'm Harry, Harry Potter. I'm known as the Boy Who Lived, the only one to have survived Voldemort's deadly killing curse.

October 31st, Halloween, is a night filled with fear, joy and amazement of the little children who so often dress up for the occasion, but let me tell you from first hand experience that not all of the demons and monsters are people in masks. On October 31st, 1981 a series of events occurred that led to an unfathomable reality; this was the night my parents were murdered, the most dangerous dark Wizard of all time was defeated (or so we thought), and I was thrust into a life of fame, and danger. I'm Harry, Harry Potter, but you can call me Harry, just Harry.

I suppose I should start at the beginning. I never grew up knowing my parents, I've only ever known the home of my Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon and their son Dudley. Every night for eleven years I dreamed of being away from that house, away from my "loving" Aunt and Uncle, and away from Dudley and his crew. On the night of my eleventh birthday my dreams were realized in the form of Hagrid. Hagrid told me that I was a Wizard, and not only that, but I came from a long line of magic! Hagrid then took me to get my supplies for my first semester at my new school; Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

My first year at Hogwarts was an... unusual one. I met my very best friends Ron and Hermione, started on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker, saw my parents in an enchanted mirror, passed my exams, came face to face with a troll, who we all thought Professor Snape let it, and went head to head with the most powerful dark wizard known to Wizarding kind; Lord Voldemort.

My second year wasn't any less unusual, people thought I was the heir to Slytherin, exams were cancelled, we had an absolutely mad defense against the dark arts teacher who tried to erase our memories in the Chamber of Secrets when Hermione eventually found where the beast that had been paralyzing half of the school had been living, and I also went head to head with Lord Voldemort, but this time as a memory to save Ginny Weasley, my best friends little sister.

In my third year, I got to meet my Godfather Sirius who had tried to apprehend and stop the traitor who ratted - literally - my parents out to Lord Voldemort and directly led to their death; Peter Pettigrew. Sirius ended up spending 12 years unfairly imprisoned in Azkaban for his actions. Unfortunately Pettigrew is still on the run.

Now that I'm in my fourth year, I'm sad to report that things have not changed. Hogwarts is hosting the tri-wizard tournament and I've already been selected to join in despite being underage! I definitely don't have a good feeling about this.

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