chapter 1: Hosting the Triwizard Tournament

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This year Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament, with new guests and only students above the age of 17 can enter the tournament, somehow Harry's name gets put in, he is only 14. He has no choice but to compete. Compete in this terrifying death defying tournament for wizards.

Draco comes up to Harry and tells him, he is looking forward to the tournament and hopes to see me tortured. Although he is joking and doesn't really want to see me tortured, he is still a Slytherin, he likes to tease, he has a reputation to keep.

The Triwizard Tournament is just around the corner and and two schools come, first to arrive was the Beaux batons Academy of Magic, an all female school and their headmistress Madame Maxime. Next to arrive was Durmstrang Institute, I believe an all male school, and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff. When Durmstrang entered the great Hall, the whole mood changed, the school went quiet and in aww the mood of the school was different then the Beauxbatons, darker. They are very cool, with their staffs and their fire blowing, then, at the end of the line, walking with headmaster Igor Karkaroff, was the legendary quidditch world Cup champion...Victor Krum, everyone was in awe.

"That's him, that's Victor Krum" said Ron next to me, practically drooling. "Stop staring at your boyfriend", Harry teased back.

Once the three schools settle down, Dumbledore starts explaining about the tournament and the rules. That's when he says students above the age of 17 can enter, at least half the school boos in dissatisfaction.

Dumbledore explains that everyone can start putting their names in the 'Goblet of Fire' tonight, as names will be drawn in 2 days(I don't actually know how long it was, but for story purposes, it's 2 days).

*Time passes to later that night as students start entering there names into the Goblet*

Students start entering their names, Fleur Delacore from Beaux Baton Academy, Hogwarts' very own, Cedric Diggory, and The one and only Victor Krum from Durmstrang. Then the Weasley twins, Fred and George enter, they drink an ageing potion to become older, thinking they have Dumbledore fooled they jump down into the age circle surrounding the Goblet and enter their names. It counteracts and makes the twins go flying backwards, and physically change the twins into old men, they then  start fighting an rolling across the floor, a look on Hermione's face like, 'I told you so'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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